Cvil War History Books, Historical Prints, and Civil War Relics
2576 Old Valley Pike New Market, Va, 22844 Located in the heart of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, We are easy to find because our store is directly across Route 11 from the 54th Pennsylvania Monument on the New Market Battlefield.
A wonderful man by the name of Garland Hudgins. first established A Heritage Enterprise Civil War Book Shop Garland ran this Internet book and historical print business for many years until he finally retired several years ago. Gsarland has since passed away and we all miss him very much. We bought the business and vowed to keep it going as a great place for folks to buy Civil War history books, historical prints, and memorabilia. Now Joyce Long and Jay Hawkins have joined us to open an old time country store that will include antiques, collectibles, sundry items, and of course the largest selection of books, prints, and Civil War relics in the country. Please stop by to see what we have and to visit a while.
The store also maintains a selection of historical prints by some of America's finest historical artists, including Keith Rocco.
Our Civil War book inventory includes works on the leading events and personalities involved in the Civil War in the Shenandoah Valley. These include works on the battles of Winchester, Toms Brook, Fishers Hill, Cedar Creek, Port Republic and Cross Keys, Fishers Hill, and Toms Brook. Biographical subjects include Stonewall Jackson, John Mosby, Turner Ashby, Pilip Sheridan, Nathaniel Banks, and George Custer.