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History of the 38th NC Infantry

Field & Staff, 38th Reg't. North Carolina Infantry Feb 1 to Apr 1, 1862 Camp Mason The Regt left the camp of instruction at Camp Mangum near Raleigh, NC on the 14 of Feb 1862 under orders for marching Washington, N.C. Arriving at Goldsboro the order was countered in order by Gen Gattling in command of this Dept of U.C. and we were ordered to Halifax. Arriving at Halifax Capt Leavner Thorp in command there ordered the Regt to repair at once to Hamilton on the Roanoke. Marched that day 22 miles to Clarksville and received orders next morning to return and repair to Weldon. Arrived at Weldon the following day and went into Camp in Camp Leaventhorpe 1/2 mile north of the bridge where we remained furnishing a heavy picket at the bridge daily until the 21 Feb when the encampment was withdrawn to the South side of Weldon where we remained until the 21 of Mar. still furnishing a picket to the Bridge where we received orders from Gen. Randolph to repair at once to Goldsboro. We arrived at Goldsboro the morning of the 22 and went into camp at Camp Vance on the W & W R Road 2 miles from Goldsboro. We were then placed in the 3rd Brig. Genl J.R. Anderson & ordered on the 28 March to Camp Mascru(?) 2 miles from Goldsboro on the Atlantic & N.C. R Road and where we are now encamped. During the entire period much sickness prevails in camp and not more than half of the command was for duty at any one time.

Apr 1 to May 1, 1862 Camp Anderson near Guineas The Regt left Goldsboro 24 day of April 1862 under orders of Gen Anderson and arrived at Guinea Station on the 27 day of April 1862 where we remained until the first of May 1862.

May & June 1862 Below Richmond, VA The first of May we were encamped at Milford Station where we remained a few days then moved to Massaponax Hills where we remained until about the 13 where we left and moved down below Richmond where we remained until after the fights were all over. Were in the fights at Mechanicsville VA June. 27 June at Gainesville and also at Fraziers Farm and were under the Burning at Malvern Hill then went into camp were we remained for a short time.

July & Aug 1862 On the march near Manassas The Regiment was in the fight below Richmond the 1 July. Remained in camp below Richmond until 24 July then left and went to Gordonsville, VA where we remained until 9 Aug then were engaged in the fight at Cedar Run. Came back to Orange C. House remained there for a short time then left and marched to Manassas. Were in all the battles 27, 28, 29, 30 August. Then marched on to victory after victory.

Sept & Oct 1862 Bunker Hill, VA The Regt was engaged in the fight at Ox Hill on the 1 day of September. Crossed the Potomac River below Harpers Ferry the 4 Sept and recrossed again at Williamsport 11 Sept were ------ and engaged at Harpers Ferry 14 Sept crossed the Potomac again at Shepardstown 17 Sept were engaged near Sharpsburg, MD 18 Sept. Recrossed the river 18, were engaged in the fight at Shepardstown 20 Sept then fell back toward Bunker Hill where we encamped for some time.

Nov & Dec 1862 Near Fredericksburg, VA The Regiment left Berryville and marched through the Valley to camp on Massaponax Hills. Was in the fight at Fredericksburg 13 Dec 1862. Had 2 officers and 15 men slightly wounded after the battle we camped near Port Royal where we are now encamped between Fredericksburg and Port Royal.

Jan & Feb 1863 Camp Gregg, VA The Regiment has been in camp since the 16 day of December 1862. Nothing new transpired since the last muster. We are in camp about 8 miles below Fredericksburg,VA

Mar & Apr 1863 Camp Gregg, VA The Regiment remained in camp 8 miles below Fredricksburg until the 29 day of April when it was ordered off to meet the enemy which were crossing the river at Fredricksburg, Va where it remained until the first day of May 1863.

May & Jun 1863 On the march - The Regiment left Camp Gregg below Fredricksburg, Va on the 30 of Apr 1863 and marched to Chancellorsville where on the 2 & 3 of May were engaged with the enemy at that place then on the 7 returned to the old camp and on the 15 June left and marched to Fredricksburg where we lay in line of battle for a few days. Then left and marched through Culpeper, Front Royal, Berryville, Shepardstown and crossed into Maryland and passed through Sharpsburg, Hagerstown and Cashtown and camped.

July & Aug 1863 Orange C.H., VA The Regiment was in the Battles at Gettysburg Penn on the 1,2, & 3 July 1863 then fell back through Hagerstown, MD and crossed the Potomac at Falling Water on the 14 July 1863 and camped awhile at Bunker Hill, Culpepper C.H. and from there to Orange C.H., Va. where we arrived 4 Aug 1863.

Sept & Oct 1863 Brandy Station, Va Nov & Dec 1863 Near Orange C.H., Va Jan & Feb 1864 Orange C.H., Va Mar & Apr 1864 Orange C.H.,Va Sep & Oct 1864 Petersburg, VA. (No information other than date and place) Co. A, 38th Regiment North Carolina Infantry Original Muster and Descriptive Roll of Captain A.G. Moseley's Co of North Carolina Volunteers know as SPARTAN BAND from Duplin the 38 Regiment of N.C. Troops mustered into service of North Carolina at Camp Mangum pursuant to ---- and transferred to the Confederate Service Feb 1st 1862. Certificate of minstering Officer. I certify, on Honor, that I have carefully examined the men whose names are borne on this Roll, their horses and equipments and have accepted them into the service of the State of North Carolina for the term of one year from the election of their officers from this 31st day of Dec 1861. Thos D. Hogg, Capt. Jan 31 to Mar 31, 1862 The 38 Regt. N.C. Troops was formed the 17 January 1862. Was transferred to the Confederate Service on the 1st February 1862. Left Raleigh, N.C. on the 12th February and went to Weldon, N.C. Mar 31 to Jun 30, 1862 Camp Randolph Left camp at Goldsboro, N.C. on the 24th of Apr 1862 and arrived at Guineas Station, VA on the 27th. Moved camp to Milford Station, Va on the 30th having been transferred to Gen. Greggs Brigade. Changed camp to Summit Point, Va. 5 miles below Fredericksburg on the 8th of May. Work as picket on the Rappahannock on the 14th and a few members of the company participated in a skirmish which originated by 5 men of the 5 Ala. Regt attacking a small sloop sailing up the river. The enemy was supposed to have lost 4 killed and others wounded. Worked on picket again on the 18th of May 1862. Left Camp at Summit Point for near Richmond the 24 of May 1862. Arrived on the 30th. We were not in any of the engagements North of the Chickahominy, being on picket duty. On Monday the 30th of June we were engaged and lost only 7 men wounded. July & Aug 1862 Bunkers Hill Nov & Dec 1862 Near Fredericksburg, VA Jan & Feb 1863 Camp Gregg Mar & Apr 1863 Camp Gregg, Va (No information other than date & place) May & Jun 1863 Near Cashtown, Penna This company with the others of the Regt was engaged in the battle of Chancellorsville 2nd & 3rd May. Returned to Camp Gregg where we remained till about 5 June when we were ordered to meet the enemy at Fredericksburg where we remained in line of battle until 15 June where we took up line of march for Penn. crossing the Potomac at Shepardstown June 25 and reaching Cashtown, Penn on 27 June 1863. July & Aug 1863 Orange C.H. VA Engaged in battle of Gettysburg 1st, 2nd & 3rd July 1863. Fell back from that station on the evening of the 4th. Reached Hagerstown, Md. where we stopped and formed a line of battle - entrenching ourselves. The night of the 13th when we crossed the Potomac into Virginia were attacked by the enemy's cavalry before we reached the Potomac, but crossed the river same night at Falling Waters. The 20th of July we again took up line of march and reached Culpeper C.H. 25th where we remained till 2nd August. Again taking up line of march and reached Orange C.H. 30th August 1863. Sept & Oct 1863 Near Brandy Station, VA Nov & Dec 1863 Near Orange C.H., VA Jan & Feb 1864 Near Orange C.H., VA Mar & Apr 1864 Near Orange C.H., VA May & Jun 1864 Near Petersburg, VA July & Aug 1864 Near Petersburg, VA Sept & Oct 1864 Near Petersburg, VA (No information other than date and place)

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