Internet Information on the Battles
in Chronological OrderBATTLE OF WILLIAMSBURG, MAY 5, 1862- (Some regiments that made up the brigade fought )here
Battle of WilliamsburgSEVEN DAYS CAMPAIGN, JUNE 25 - JULY 1, 1862
Seven Days Camapign, This website is a portal to link on the battle, the official reports and the order of battle.
Richmond National Battlefield Park, Richmond area battles in 1862 including the Seven Days Campaign, Cold Harbor and Fort Harrison.
Battle of Cedar Mountain
Battle of Cedar Mountain Summary and suggested tour routeBATTLE OF 2ND MANASSAS, AUGUST 28-30, 1862
Battle of 2nd Manassas, This website is a portal to links on the battle, the official reports and the order of battle.Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, Siege of Harpers Ferry, September 12-15, 1862.
Battle of Antietam, This website is a portal to links on the battle, official reports, and order of battle.
Antietam on the Web, Lots of information about the Battle of AntietamBATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG, DECEMBER 11-15, 1862
Battle of Fredericksburg, This website is a portal to links on the battle, the official reports and the order of battle.BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE, APRIL 27 - May 6, 1862
Battle of Chancellorsville, April 26, 1863 - May 6, 1864. This website is a portal to links on the battle, the official reports on the battle, and order of battle.
Rumble on the Rappahannock Good website on ChancellorsvilleTHE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, JULY 1-3, 1863
The Battle of Gettysburg, This website is a portal to links about the battle, the official reports and the order of battle.
Gettysburg, Miltary History Online, Lots of links for information on Gettysburg
Gettysburg Unofficial Visitors Guide, If you are going to Gettysburg, check out this website before you leaveBATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS, MAY 5-6, 1864
Battle of The Wilderness, This website is a portal to links about the battle, the official reports, and order of battle.
Titans Clash in the Wilderness, Article by Roy Morris, Jr. in "Military History" Magazine.
Battle of Todd's Tavern Summary and suggested tour routeBATTLE OF SPOTSYLVANIA COURT HOUSE, MAY 8-21, 1864
The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, This website is a portal to links about the battle, the official reports and order of battle.
Battle of North Anna Summary and suggested tour route
Battle of North Anna
Battle of North Anna, SummaryBATTLE OF COLD HARBOR, JUNE 1-14, 1864
The North Anna and Cold Harbor Campaign, May 21 - June 3, 1864. This website is a portal to links about the battle and official reports.SIEGE OF PETERSBURG, JUNE 16, 1864 - April 2, 1865
Siege of Petersburg, Very good site of the siege with good links to information on the phases of the siege
Johnson's Division at the Battle of the Crater, July 30, 1864. The Official Report of General Bushrod JohnsonTHE SURRENDER AT APPOMATTOX, APRIL 9, 1865
The Surrender at Appomattox, This website is a portal to information about the surrender and the official reports.
Regiments in the Brigade
13th NC Infantry Regiment
16th NC Infantry Regiment
22nd NC Infantry Regiment
34th NC Infantry Regiment
38th NC Infantry Regiment
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