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This year at Glastonbury was most definitely the best music festival I've ever been to. For a change, it didn't rain as much as in previous years. I didn't go last year but I saw film clips of the mud bath. I think that because of the terrible weather last year, is why they didn't completely sell all the tickets. A lot of people turned up at the last minute when they saw how hot it was. I was a bit disappointed that it didn't rain a little bit, for two main reasons

1. The pictures I saw of people splashing and sliding around on the mud looked like a lot of fun

2. I bought a waterproof poncho especially for music festivals that I took with me but didn't get to use.

But it's better to have no rain then have too much of it so I can't complain, the weather was great and I got myself a tan. A friend of mine took some photos, so here are some of them. When I have more time I will do the rest of them.

This is me first thing in the morning. Even though the days were hot, the nights were cold. I had to weir everything I had, even my blanket. It was o.k when we were watching a band and dancing, but afterwards we would have to go back to the tent a put everything on and then go out again for a wonder.

This is another one of those 'looking ruff first thing in the morning' pictures. I think that I slept a total of about 3 hours over the whole week. Next to me is Mark. He's laughing at two northerners trying to chat up some girls

This Mexican restaurant use to stay open 24 hours a day and have some good tunes blaring out. When all the bands had finished playing and there were no more raves happening, we use to carry at this place, smoking, raving and eating nachos till morning.

This is Jon and Sonya, two good friends of mine. It was thanks to Jon's sister Ali that I went to Glastonbury this year. She was going to go but decided not to go at the last minute, so she gave me her ticket. How cool was that??

That was just a small sample of some of the things that went on there
for more information on Glastonbury click below

Official Glastonbury Site
Virtual Festival Site

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