What's New On This Site?

*January 10th, 2008* : I made some updates to the Al Achievements page. Photos from the PNC Bank Center and Warner Theatre shows were added a few months ago, and there are more pending for the PNC show. I just forgot to make a formal update.

*May 9th, 2007* : I updated my collection and added a link on the Concert Stuff page for pics from the Baltimore show.

*December 22nd, 2006* : I updated and removed some dead links from the links page. I also made a small update to my collection. Hahaha...I haven't actually bothered to update this page in a long time...

*April 23rd, 2005* : I updated my collection and removed some dead links from the links page.

*April 3rd, 2005* : I updated the Links page and added some new graphics to the Concert Stuff page.

*January 14th, 2005* : I updated my collection.

*January 8th, 2005* : I updated my collection.

*October 27th, 2004* : I updated my collection.

*August 31, 2004* : I updated the graphic on the main page and band member graphics.

*July 14th, 2004* : I updated the Concert Stuff page with photos from Easton and Westbury.

*July 12th, 2004* : I updated my collection and reorganized my concert photos.

*July 2nd, 2004* : I updated my collection.

*May 25th, 2004* : I updated my collection, bio info, and added a link to my online portfolio to the index page.

*May 7th, 2004* : I updated my collection.

*April 8th, 2004* : I updated my collection and my Al Art page.

*February 15th, 2004* : I updated my collection.

*February 5th, 2004* : I updated my collection and my Al Art page.

*January 3, 2004* : I updated my collection.