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Chapter Seven

Lily put her hands over her ears as yet another ear-piercing scream sounded right behind her.

"You'll get used to it." someone said from behind her. Lily turned around and saw an older woman coming to sit in the seat beside her. "I'm Denise." she said "I'm AJ's mom."

Lily shook her hand and said "I don't think I'll ever get used to it." and winced as yet another squeal came their way.

Lily and Denise chatted for a while before the concert began and Lily found her self genuinely liking Denise. She was fun and fully accepting of her son's uniqueness, even going so far as to pick on him a little.

"You should have seen this one girl he brought home!" Denise laughed along with Lily. "She was weirder than he is!" They continued talking throughout the opening act but quieted down just as soon as the lights dimmed, signaling the Backstreet Boys' entrance.

Lily watched as the guys flew over the crowd and landed on the stage. She tried to watch Brian but her eyes were continuously drawn back to Kevin, who was leading the group around the stage. Finally they broke into "Larger Than Life" and Lily's heart turned over as she watched Kevin sing and dance. In watching him, she saw him in an entirely different light. She saw him doing what he was meant to do. Lily watched every movement and every little sway of his hips to the music breathlessly.

Catching herself, she looked guiltily over at Denise and found that she too was engrossed in the show and was paying no attention to her. She looked back at the stage and tried to find Brian but instead met the silver green eyes of Kevin, staring down at her. They watched each other's eyes briefly before Kevin turned to continue the show. They had only looked into each other's eyes for a moment but that moment told her that Kevin had seen what Denise had failed to.

Vowing not to look at Kevin for the rest of the night, Lily found Brian up on the stage and watched him. She felt pride run through her as Brian's golden voice sang the chords of the song and he danced along with the rest of the guys.

At the end of the concert Lily went backstage and waited for the guys to get ready to leave. Finally they all came out and got into their rental cars and headed back to the hotel.

"Lily?" Brian called from the shower. Lily answered and Brian said "We're all thinking about going out to a club tonight, do you want to come?"

"I don't think so, Bri. I'm not really feeling up to it." Lily answered. Brian came out of the bathroom with a pair of jogging pants on and towel drying his hair.

"Are you sure?" he asked her and she nodded. As Brian continued to get ready to leave, Lily walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and watched TV for a while. Brian finished getting ready and when he was ready to leave he came out to the living room and bent over Lily to give her a kiss. After he did he said "I don't think Howie is going with us either. Maybe you could go hang with him for a while." Lily nodded and gave him one final kiss before he exited the room.

After he was gone, Lily watched some more TV before becoming bored with it and then turned the radio on. Soon she became bored with it too and turned it off. Looking around the room trying to think of something to do she muttered to herself "Maybe I'll go see Howie for a while." and headed out to Howie's room.

Howie's door was cracked open when she got to it and Lily could hear the sound of music coming from inside.

What can I do
To get to you
And find a way Back to Your Heart.

Lily smiled as she recognized the song and pushed the door open to enter the room. As she did, she received a surprise and came face to face with Kevin instead of Howie as she'd expected.

At her entrance, Kevin pushed the pause button on the stereo and stared at her silently.

Lily didn't say a word as she stood there, only looked at him. He was wearing a pair of black pajama bottoms and his chest and feet were both bare. "I-I thought Howie was here." she stammered.

"He went with the rest of the guys to the club." Kevin murmured as he came closer to her. He couldn't explain why he was doing it but some inexplicable force was compelling him towards her. He couldn't seem to keep himself away. As he came to stand in front of her he was surprised to see that she hadn't moved away and was standing in the same spot. Kevin probably would have been able to control himself around her but the hot desire evident in her eyes as she gazed at his bare chest drove him over the edge. In one move he caught her around the waist and pulled her to him. Seconds later his lips were on hers and Lily put her arms around his neck and pressed herself even closer. They'd kissed once before but the combination of their absence from one another after the previous kiss and their shared glances during the concert made their touch flammable. Their hands explored each other's bodies and Kevin led her to the bed and as her knees hit it they fell on to it, all the while never breaking the contact of their lips. Kevin rolled and brought Lily to settle on top of him. In this position, Kevin was more free to explore her body with his hands and he did. They rolled one more time and accidentally rolled onto the remote control for the stereo. They both froze as they heard Brian's voice.

I don't know how it got so crazy
But I'll do anything to set things right
Cause your love is so amazing
Baby you're the best thing in my life

The song was cut short as Kevin grabbed the remote and pushed the stop button. They rolled away from each other and Kevin sat up and sat on the edge of the bed. Lily sat on the opposite side and straightened her clothes. They sat in silence for a few moments before Lily broke it by simply saying. "Please Kevin. Don't let this happen again."

"Lily," Kevin said as he turned around to look at her "Don't you know that if I could control this I would? But I can't Lily. I can't seem to keep my hands off of you." He cursed under his breath as he stood up and paced around the room. "Don't you think I know that every time I touch you or even think of you I am betraying not only one of my bestfriends but my cousin, my own blood? Dammit, Lily. Why do you have to be such a temptation?" He turned to look at her and saw that she had the same look of desperation on her face as he knew he probably had. They shared the look for a moment before Lily looked away and then silently exited the room.

Kevin watched her leave and then plopped himself down on the bed they'd just been about to make love on and covered his eyes with his hands. Silently cursing himself for what he'd almost let happen, Kevin decided to call it a night and headed to bed.

Chapter Eight