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    The world once belonged to the animal, and then man grew to fear them. Then they began to kill them, the government even at one point payed men and women working at yellowstone to do the dirty work. Now the world is trying to fix that mistake, but is it truly helping?

    In Minnesota the wolf has returned and it is a wonderful thing, but there is so much left to be done. Sadly the things we are doing to return the wolf into the wild is also hurting it. The best way to safe the wolf is to educate the people of the world and to make it known that the myths surrounding the wolf or only stories told around the camp fire to make children be good and because man coulnd not explain it to himself any other way.

This guys is pounching a rat or small rodent for dinner. wonder what he's thinking.
this one is just cute. this one is named thunder.
looks like fun on a hot summer day.
Just a picture I found one night as I jumped around web sites, if it is yours could you please send me an e-mail and I will creidit it to you. Thank You this is a cute poster that they sell online
This is one for all you chicks out there, if your boyfriend will not kiss your hand throw this at him. hee hee hee why if wolves can do it why not him?



        For more info on wolves, and more wolf pictures check the links page.