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This is me. This is Whitewolf666.

    Whitewolf 666 is a 133 year old wolf. Her early years are a mystery and she clearly trys to block out the thoughts of them. She is a lone wolf and has traveled the world looking for her place. For she is not a usual wolf, she has the power of human speech and thought. With out knowlege of her past she doesn't know how she got these powers. At first it didn't take her long to trust a live with humans. On the side she ran a tavern and inn named the Red Wolf Inn. At one time she became involved with another wolf and so she thought she had found her place in the world. Then one day something happened, she was afforded a chance to study the mysterys of the wolves. This was lead be an old lineage of wolves, that lived some where in the mysts of the deep forest. She jumped at the chance not understanding what she had, and when it was gone from her she missed it.                                                                                                                                                                                           
        After a year or so for her, she returned to this world, only to find her inn closed and the other wolf gone. Quickly she returned to the side of man though now wiser she had a part of her missing. Whitewolf 666 tryed to help those in need. She helped a young mute woman but as their friendship grew she was suddenly taken out of the picture. Taken one night from her inn by slavers. She was taken to a different land, there she was caged and learned to distrust humans. Other races as well. One night as her guard slept she slipped away into the night. She then made her way back, but with distrust of all but the creatures of the wild. She through out her human side not trusting it and now travels the woods and forest as a wild wolf. Alone her one chance of happiness gone, and all she knew now different. All the people she knew are gone as well. Though she makes the little things of a wolf's life count, she stays happy having learned well of the wisend wolves. Though she carries a weak spot for those in trouble. Children, slaves, and those that can't protect themselves.