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Part Two
Part Two

The storm raged on, inside his heart and outside his door as AJ finally made his way back into his house.

Leaning against the door he'd just closed, AJ surveyed the interior of his home. Everywhere he looked he was reminded of her. From the kitchen where she'd made him breakfast just that morning, to the sofa where she'd left one of her magazines.

AJ's heart ached so much that he could hardly breathe. He crossed the living room to stand by the sliding glass door, paying no attention to what his wet clothing and shoes was doing to the expensive carpet he walked on.

He looked out at the storm and was reminded of another time, another storm

It had been storming all day long. The news had said that it was a severe thunderstorm only moments before the power went out.

Brandy had become frightened of the storm and the blackout. AJ had taken her out to the screnned in porch and made love to her for hours until her fears had eased.

Looking out at that same porch now, AJ wished for nothing more than to just take her in his arms and hold her forever. But he also realized the impossibility of that. She was gone.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small velvet box. AJ's eyes misted over again as he opened the box and the sparkling diamond ring shined back at him.

He'd had it all planned out. He knew what he was going to say down to the last word. He was going to ask her to marry him.

He had planned the whole night out. A candlelit dinner, just the two of them. It would've been perfect.

But everything went terribly wrong.

Part Three
