Limitacion de responsabilidad: Todo el material accesible de este Web site no significa necesariamente que la iglesia mundial del Web Dios considera toda la información contenida adjunto para ser verdad absoluta. De hecho, cierto número de artículos y de acoplamientos se han agregado solamente para su contenido pensamiento-que provoca. Por lo tanto, compruebe TODA LA información proporcionada, con su biblia. La Santa Biblia, la palabra Dios, es un criterio para la verdad.
Haga click la imagen en la izquierda para Jeff Neil bio. Usted no puede comprar cualquier cosa de este sitio. ¡Todo el material está LIBRE! Usted es bienvenido a copiar y distribuir cualquier cosa que usted desea gratuitamente.
Primero, déjenos explicar que una "Iglesia", según el diccionario contemporáneo de Collins, es "un cuerpo colectivo de Cristianos." Una iglesia satisface en un edificio para adorar a Dios según sus convicciones, la creencia de su denominación específica. Una vez que esta usted convertida/o, la ÚNICA manera "LICENCIA su o su iglesia" del individuo, fuera cesar de adherencia a la creencia de esa iglesia o denominación particular; para dejar de seguir las enseñanzas de ese cuerpo particular de creyentes. ¡La única manera que cualquier persona puede salir de la iglesia Dios, es cesar del esfuerzo a obedecer a Dios y vuelve al lo absurdo, a una vida del pecado!
El mundo se llena de varias denominaciones religiosas.
En la religión "Cristiana" solamente, existen sobre 400 diversas denominaciones, cada cual con sus diversas interpretaciones de predicación de las mismas escrituras. ¿Cómo pueden todos diferenciar pero todos estar correctos? ¡O todos son incorrectos o hay solamente una (enseñanza, no corporación) que sea correcto! Cristo dijo que El construiría su iglesia y las puertas del infierno (el sepulcro), no prevalecería contra ella... que no moriría, pero permanecería hasta su regreso a esta tierra. ¿Dónde entonces, esa iglesia verdadera que construye Cristo, hoy? Una cosa es cierta, él sería una iglesia (cuerpo de creyentes), GENTE, (sin importar donde están en esta tierra, el edificio en el cual satisfacen, o el nombre por el cual son colocados legalmente), él sería la GENTE, que se está esforzando para obedecer los mandamientos de Dios, haber aceptado el sacrificio de Cristo para los pecados, y está enseñando el Evangelio verdadero del Reino de Dios, el mismo Evangelio que Cristo enseñó. PUEBLO, sobre quien DIOS ha puesto su nombre, "LA IGLESIA (la GENTE) DE DIOS." Si usted quisiera escuchar los sermones de los ministros verdaderos d Dios, haga click aquí.
El propósito de este Web site es asistir a publicar el un mensaje verdadero del Evangelio al mundo, como testigo a todas las naciones, para hacer a discípulos de cada nación, enseñándolos a observar todo que Cristo enseñó a sus discípulos a observar, (no en un esfuerzo de convertir cada uno, pero simplemente como testigo a ellos, para Cristo dicho que ningún hombre puede venir a El a menos que el Padre lo trajere). Es no es un mensaje simplemente sobre la persona de Cristo, sino el mismo mensaje que El trajo a la humanidad. ¡Puede asombrarle! ¡Puede ser absolutamente diferente a cualquier cosa que usted ha escuchado antes! Pero se toma directamente de las páginas de la Santa Biblia , la palabra Dios escrita.
Cristo dijo a sus discípulos que los acontecimientos específicos tuvieran que ocurrir antes de su regreso para establecer el Reino de Dios en esta tierra.
Él dijo que la nación se levantaría contra la nación y reino contra reino, habria sería hambre, epidemias de enfermedades y terremotos en diversos lugares. Los profetas falsos también se presentarían y conducirían a gente extraviada de la verdad. Muchos vendrían en su enseñanza conocida que El era de hecho el Cristo, pero se encenderían engañarlos en otras cosas, predicando un evangelio falso. Cristo indicó sin embargo, eso antes de que El volviera para establecer el reino de Dios en la tierra, que el Evangelio verdadero, o las buenas noticias, primero sería publicado en todo el mundo como testigo a todas las naciones.
Just click the link of your choice below for that One True Gospel of the Kingdom of God which is so far going to the world from this web site in twenty-one major languages of the Earth. Please forgive our poor translations, which were only done with translation software. If the font is not in the language of your choice, simply go to "view" in your menu bar and adjust your encoding to the correct font.
English * The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Hebrew * האונגליון של המלכות של אלוהים
Arabic * اولا دعونا نقول انه من
Turkish * Krallık yönergesi Tanrı
Persian * اخبارخوب پادشاهی خداوند
French * Le Gospel of Royaume d'un Dieu
German * Das Gospel des Königreiches des Gottes
Spanish * El Evangelio del Reino de Dios.
Italian * Il Gospel del Regno del Dio
Portugese * O Gospel do Reino do Deus
Korean * 하나님의 나라의 복음
Chinese *上帝王國的福音書
Japanese *神の国の福音
Si usted prefiere escuchar las buenas noticias verdaderas del reino Dios en el formato audio (disponible ahora en inglés solamente), la transferencia directa justa que el programa libre de RealPlayer del acoplamiento proporcionó abajo, entonces vuelve aquí y presiona este botón:
El jugador verdadero libre está disponible aquí.
* haga click aquí para visión el calendario santo del los Días Santos de Dios
Amigos, estas páginas contienen el Evangelio verdadero del reino de Dios. ¡Ahora se está publicando en todo el mundo como testigo a todas las naciones a la derecha aquí en el Internet mundial! Usted lo ha leído con sus propios ojos. Qué usted ahora hace con ese conocimiento está hasta usted. Si usted cree sinceramente que Dios le está llamando en esta hora de ser entrenado para gobernar con El en su reino, y si usted esta inseguro en cuanto a que hacer para recibir el Espiritu Santo de Dios, y cómo usted puede asistir a el Evangelio verdadero al mundo, contactenos via electronica. Apenas escriba a la dirección del E-mail abajo. Nos complaceremos en contestar a cualquier pregunta que usted pueda tener.
La verdad y la felicidad pueden ser encontradas solamente cuando encontramos uno mismo verdaderos, nuestro propósito en vida, y búsqueda de realizar ese propósito de acuerdo con El que nos envió aquí.
Le desafiamos a estudiar la Biblia y a comprobar y a probar todas estas cosas para verificar los escrito en esta pagina.
Por muchos años, millares de cristianos verdaderos han creído que los diez dedos del pie de la imagen hablada en de Daniel prophesy representan un renacimiento del imperio romano santo que consiste en una unión de diez naciones europeas. Se parecía todo caber tan perfectamente. ¿Pero es eso verdad? El dios nos amonesta que "pruebe todas las cosas, sostienen rápidamente eso cuál es bueno" (1 Tesalonicenses 5:21). Aquí está el interesar, documento detallado sobre el tema, con las referencias que usted puede verificar fácilmente. Justo chasque aquí.
It is only a matter of time before the 3rd Temple of Solomon will be built in Jerusalem. Gershon Salomon, Chairman of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is committed to the fulfillment of that prophesy. See and hear more about that by clicking on the image of the 3rd temple below left.
Gershon Salomon talks about the Temple Mount, the Messiah and the God of Israel.
* Here are Ten Things God Won't Ask On That Day When He Chains Satan. (Turn on audio and click mouse to advance slides when they appear)
* If you are using Windows or DOS and would like to download a free software copy of the Holy Bible, just click here.
* If your computer is a Macintosh you may download a copy of the Holy Bible for Mac here.
* If you prefer to listen to passages from the Bible narrated by Alexander Scourby, just click on this link to the Audio Bible.
Learn something about the man who risked his life to translate the Bible into English, William Tyndale.
To listen to a sermon in Real Player format from one of God's True servants just click here.
Here's where you can search the Bible and see what it says about various topics. Simply enter the topic you would like to research and press the search button.
Check what the Bible says in any one of ten languages: ENGLISH, GERMAN, SWEDISH, LATIN, FRENCH, SPANISH, PORTUGUESE, ITALIAN, NORWEGIAN OR TAGALOG, (the Philippines' national language): Click here.
* Where and what is really Heaven?
* Famous atheist and academic now believes in God after discovering molecular machines in human DNA.
* Identity of the "other sheep" revealed
* Accidents and True Christians
* Sheep & Goats in the Resurrection.
* Brief memorial of a woman's strange act.
* The Death of Judas Iscariot.
* The Red Heifer and the Third Temple.
* Click this link to download a GREAT inspiring booklet by UCG author, David Treybig You Can Have LIVING FAITH
* THE ROAD TO ETERNAL LIFE: You can read this booklet by just clicking here.
* Does God Exist? Can you prove the authenticity of the Bible?
* The United States & Britain in Prophesy
* Was God's Law in Force Before Sinai?
* The Book of Revelation Unveiled.
* Should Christians Keep the Sabbath? (By Anthony Coore)
* The Incredible Human Potential.
* Mystery Of The Ages. About the Book of Jasher: First, let us say that it is uncertain if this is the actual Book of Jasher spoken about in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 & II Samuel 1:18. While not usually considered as part of the inspired canon of the scripture, the Book of Jasher mirrors most of the historical accounts in the Old Testament closely.
The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course (To access a new lesson, simply change the Lesson number in the URL)LESSONS 01-32.
Or you can download the entire 32 lesson course in one PDF file by right clicking and selecting "Save Target As" Here.
***Listen to the voice of A True Servant of the Living God! Herbert W. Armstrong. Just click on his photo at right.
Click on the Blue ball with the right mouse button to download or click on the link to listen and discern whether or not this man is preaching in the Spirit and
Click this link to listen to a most prophetic:
***Here is a sermon from another one of God's true Ministers, Aaron Dean. Just click on his photo at right.
Here is a website of numerous World Tomorrow broadcasts delivered over the years from 1941 until 1986 by Herbert W. Armstrong.
* The name "Jesus" was not our Savior's name at all, but rather an entirely new name created from Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English, which bears absolutely no resemblance whatsoever, to the name which the angel Gabriel told Christ's mother he was to be called.
To learn the facts about the true origin of the name, "Jesus", click Here.
The following is an external link and the information, though interesting, has not been verified. Archaeologists claim to have found:
Has Noah's Ark finally been found?
Throughout their long journey in the wilderness, God dwelt among the children of Israel in a specially constructed Tabernacle, an artist's impression of which you can view here.
Christ said many false Christs would arise prior to His return, which will be from Heaven in clouds accompanied by a host of angels. Yet Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda (See photo below right), claims to be Christ reincarnated ... and his following is growing daily, worldwide.
See him here
* * New scientific evidence re-opens analysis of the mysterious shroud and supports belief the ancient burial cloth of Christ is The Shroud of Turin (left)
We hear a lot about the mysterious Shroud of Turin, but there was also "the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself." (John 20:7). (See image at right).
What about that cloth? Would not that also have been preserved? Where is the "napkin", the cloth which they wrapped around the head of Christ immediately after taking his body down from the stake on which he was crucified? Where is that cloth today? You're in for an amazing surprise when you read this true story of The Sudarium of Oviedo! Click image above right.
For many years sincere Christians worldwide have held the belief that Christ did not have long hair. The reason for that was the biblical statement found in 1 Cor. 11:14 "Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame to him?"
Well, new research has discovered that Christ may actually have worn his hair a lot longer than we may have thought!
Our modern idea of 'short hair' and that of Our
Lord's days are vastly different. Back then hair to the collar or shoulder
was not considered 'long', but in fact short; a man's hair was only considered 'long'
when it passed the centre of his back down to his buttocks. On this
information, Christ did not have long hair at all... In fact our modern
haircuts of shaved heads and near shaved heads would have been considered
a shame in those days by the Christians, as only the pagan religions had
shaved heads in their priesthoods (eg: Ancient Egypt and Babylon).
* Did God also create intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? For access to this intriguing, thought-provoking site, click image at right!
What really was the metallic object which crashed into a farmer’s field in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, made of metal, thinner and harder than anything yet known to man? It’s time to take our heads out of the sand. Click here.
Crop circles - Alien or Man made? You decide.
The Biblical book of Genesis Ch. 6 verse 4 records: "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." The skeletons of many giants have been discovered over the years, ranging in size from 8.5 feet to 36 feet tall!
The people who work at NASA must certainly be complemented for the amazing work they have done and are doing in space research. Man is destined to rule the universe.
We do not know if the following story is true, but it has been reported that: In 1985, an Australian lady made her first visit to the ashram of Satya Sai Baba in Puttaparti, India. She was one of many thousands who come every day to be in the presence of Sai Baba, an extraordinary avatar whose spontaneous "miracles" are now world-famous. He is known for manifesting objects "out of thin air," such as rings and, especially, ash - which many of his followers carry in small packets.
The major event of the day at Sai Baba's ashram is Darshan, when Sai Baba walks among those gathered and gives them his blessing. It is reported that while receiving Darshan, the Australian lady held up for Sai Baba's blessing a crucifix and a computer-generated black-and-white print-out of the Shroud of Turin. Sai Baba did not bless the crucifix, but took the page of computer paper in his hand and from it manifested a blank sheet of glossy photo paper. As he passed his hand over the paper, there appeared a color photo of a man. Later examination showed that the markings in the photo line up exactly with those of the Shroud of Turin.
Click photo below left to visit the web site ofGarner Ted Armstrong.
***And now a very special treat for you. Here is an incredible resource of sermons and literature from a True Servant of the Living God HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG.
Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger in this wretched world; 3/4 of the deaths are children under 5. Sponsors have agreed to contribute food to feed the hungry every time someone simply clicks on the free link provided, at absolutely no cost to you. To visit that truly worthwhile web site and contibute to feeding the hungry at no cost to you, just click here.
FAITH BOOSTERS. True faith boosting stories from our readers, beginning with the Editor's.
GOOD CHRISTIAN MUSIC. All of the wonderful Christian songs of Ambassador College 1984 Graduate, Sonia King, are now available on CDs. Listening to her songs helps set the mood for inspiring Bible study and prayer. Having worked as a professional radio and television announcer in a broadcasting career spanning over thirty years, I evaluate Sonia King to be among the best singers in the world today and I highly recommend her music to everyone:
Power of ELIJAH!
Articles and books on various biblical subjects as well as special links to pages of interest will be placed here from time to time, so if you are interested, please bookmark this page to visit again.
May God bless you who seek the truth, may you find it and follow it to eternal life.
El trabajo de la iglesia mundial del Web de Dios es financiado por los diezmos, las ofrendas de libre albedrío y las donaciones contribuidos por esos individuos que se dedican a predicar las buenas noticias verdaderas del REINO que pronto viene DE DIOS. Se dan la bienvenida y agradecido se aceptan las contribuciones. Los que desean ayudar voluntariamente y apoyan este trabajo mundial de Dios se dan la bienvenida alegre como compañeros de trabajo en este esfuerzo importante de asistir a la predicación del evangelio verdadero (buenas noticias) del reino de Dios como testigo a todas las naciones. (Mateo 24:14 ).
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