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Arnold Toynbee, in his 10-volume work, "A Story of History," points out that true growth takes place when men have overcome the material obstacles and are thereby released and free to invest their time and energy on a higher plane of human endeavour.

When man's survival and security needs are satisfied, he is free to develop his human capacity. Growth takes place as the result of successful responses to challenges. Humans are faced with a challenging hierarchy of needs - survival, safety, belongingness, love, respect and self-esteem. As each is fulfilled we are free to rise to fulfill the next, much like climbing a ladder. If man attains a certain need level successfully, then the motivation of accomplishment is there, and a comfortable, confident psyche develops. An actual increase in personal power and enthusiasm is apparent.

All of mankind have a common denominator of human needs. As these needs are filled - survival, safety, social recognition or self-actualization, man loses his feelings of inferiority. He loses himself and his ego depressions and begins to produce - not only for self, but for the good of society. As he becomes engrossed and committed to further goals and accomplishments, man finds purpose. He realises he is a useful being and has a meaningful, necessary place in this universe.

Watch children playing tag. The one able to often evade his pursurer enjoys the game greatly, while the one caught frequently, loses his desire to play. If development of the human potential is there, great exhilaration and positiveness occur, even when confronting all the obstacles life presents. In fact, the joy is even greater when obstacles are overcome and success, like that oasis in the desert, is finally reached!

The primary step is establishing concrete and realistic goals. Only one out of 2,000 people have definite goals.

It is the positive response to a challenge which produces growth. Forging ahead in spite of difficulties due to errors or hostile environment, produces a maturity which sparks human growth.

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