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Poetry can speak in many different ways. It can make you think of life in different perspectives and bring out a side of you that you might not have know that was in you. You will find here poems writen by me, my friends, and other people. The will vary from the silly to the serious and I am exepting any entrys so if you want to put a poem you wrote up then just let me know.

Total utter nothingness
just a mere shadow of what was
and a glimps of what is to be
this is just the beggingin of the end

A day that will be remebered by none
and a civilization lost in the blink of an eye
in this day an angel will come decending from the sun
and bring a message from beyind the sky

The ground will shake and the heavens will cry
the angel will spred its wings and say a single word
and with this final word the world will die
never to be felt again, never to be desturbed

Is the end just to begin a new?
Why must it have ended?
Life was so precious, so beutiful
Now we stand alone in total, utter nothingness


Dark, gloomy
the gental sound of silence
dreary, unknown

Bright, happy
the feeling of the sun's warmth

Shades of Gray
Nothing is as it seems
there are always uncertainties
there are always inbetweens
neither path is right nor wronge
it makes no difference what road you will imbark on
there is no sencce to make
there are no rules to break
nothing is here nor there
everything is and isn't
its what you make of it
its your decision
take an easy road
take the hard road
there is only one right choice and its yours alone
yours to make
yours to keep