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"Come out, my friend from whomever you're hiding behind.  I'll put you back together again.  I'll make you taller and not so fluffy!"
Stitch: "I like fluffy!"


Lilo and Stitch
-The Cast, Facts,
Trivia, Movie Mistakes,
The Setting and
the Movie Script.
Teaser Trailers

Stitch! The Movie
-The Cast, Trivia,
Movie Mistakes,
and the Movie Script.

Lilo and Stitch 2: Stitch Has A Glitch
-The Cast, Trivia,
Movie Mistakes, and
the Movie Script.

Lilo and Stitch Soundtrack
Island Favorites Soundtracks

Leroy and Stitch
-The Cast, Trivia,
Movie Mistakes, and
the Movie Script.

The Experiments
Stitch Anatomy
My Stitches
TV Episodes
For Your PC
Patricia's Dolphin Lagoon


My Stitch Page

My Stitches

30 Stitches (15 regular, 15 seasonal)
 2 Water Globes
1 Lilo


TalkingStitch.jpg (31347 bytes)
Talking Stitch
SittingStitch.jpg (33405 bytes)
Sitting Stitch
Stitch.jpg (40415 bytes)
SprinkleStitch.jpg (59433 bytes)
Sprinkle Stitch
VarsityStitch.jpg (43765 bytes)
Varsity Stitch
StitchHoldingDuck.jpg (42493 bytes)
Stitch Holding Duck
AngelStitch.jpg (44553 bytes)
Little Angel Stitch
HulaStitch.jpg (40589 bytes)
Hula Stitch
HugeStitch.jpg (35057 bytes)
Huge Stitch
SurferStitch.jpg (41670 bytes)
Surfer Stitch
BigWheel2.jpg (38503 bytes)
3 Wheeler Stitch (Front)
BigWheel1.jpg (28839 bytes)
3 Wheeler Stitch (Side)
NatureWalkStitch.jpg (41483 bytes)
Nature Walk Stitch
BestBehaved.jpg (41598 bytes)
Stitch Graduation
SmallPizzaStitch.jpg (38416 bytes)
Pizza Stitch
BabyKeychain.jpg (35914 bytes)
Baby Keychain Stitch
StitchDucklingsGlobe.jpg (46572 bytes)
Stitch Ducklings Water Globe
StitchGlobe1.jpg (25855 bytes)
Stitch Small Globe
StitchGlobe2.jpg (27973 bytes)
Lilo1.jpg (35543 bytes)
Lilo2.jpg (34022 bytes)

Seasonal Stitches
SantaStitch2.jpg (34939 bytes)
Santa Stitch (Front)
SantaStitch1.jpg (44119 bytes)
Santa Stitch
NaughtyStitch.jpg (37736 bytes)
Naughty Stitch
WhipStitch.jpg (46280 bytes)
Whip Stch Stitch
StitchTraditions.jpg (39185 bytes)
Stitch Traditions
ChristmasWindUp.jpg (35038 bytes)
Stitch Dancing
StitchPoinsetta.jpg (28035 bytes)
Stitch Poinsettia
SmallStitchWindUp.jpg (30176 bytes)
Stitch Holiday Windup
SledStitch1.jpg (30658 bytes)
Stitch Sled
SledStitch2.jpg (29519 bytes)
Stitch Sled
ReindeerStitch1.jpg (48513 bytes)
Stitch Rocking Horse (Side)
ReindeerStitch2.jpg (43053 bytes)
Stitch Rocking Horse (Side)
BabyNaughty.jpg (32755 bytes)
Baby Naughty Stitch
SnowHoodOn.jpg (24164 bytes)
Snow Stitch
(Hood On)
SnowHoodOff.jpg (22315 bytes)
Snow Stitch
(Hood Off)
BigWinter.jpg (31648 bytes)
Big Winter Stitch
SmallSnowStitch.jpg (40552 bytes)
Small Snow Stitch
EasterStitchwithHood.jpg (44266 bytes)
Easter Stitch
(Hood On)
EasterStitchwithoutHood.jpg (30542 bytes)
Easter Stitch
(Hood Off)
FallStitch.jpg (30271 bytes)
Fall Stitch