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I got flowers today

It wasn't my birthday or any other special day.

Last night we had a fight and he hit me,

But I know he is sorry

Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today

It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day.

Last night he threw me against the wall and started to choke me,

But I know he's sorry,

Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today

It wasn't Mothers day or any other special day

I was so swollen and bruised I was ashamed to answer the door

But I know he's sorry,

Cause I got flowers today

If I leave him, where will I go?

What about money? what about my kids?

It's getting worse every time but I'm afraid to leave

But I know he's sorry

Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today

My family and friends filed by to see me
Asking why I never left him,

If I only had the strength and courage to,
but I didn't

So I got Flowers today

Copyright© Sept 91 Allen "Two Trees" Dowdell

A Note From The Author:

To let you know a little of the background for "I Got Flowers Today" A friend of mine was in an abusive marriage. In Oct of '91, I wrote the poem 'I got flowers' for/to her. Her husband was about six feet tall, she was 5' 2" and blind. She not only didn't know when the next incident would occur, she couldn't even see the blows coming when it did. I did not write the poem to win her, but to get her to find the strength to get out of that situation. She is now well, alive, and my wife.
Allen "Two Trees" Dowell ( Scotland )

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This site and graphics are copyrighted by The Runaway Bride unless otherwise noted........©The Runaway Bride 2001. The Music "Why?" is ©2001 by Bruce DeBoer and used with permission. The copyrights to the poetry belong to the noted authors.