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Bianca Paige

Bianca's Stats
Birthday: January 6, 2003
Birth Place: Thomas Memorial Hospital, Charleston, WV
Time: 10:31 AM
Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz
Length: 20 1/2 inches

Dr. Patel Holding Bianca

Mommy's Section

Bianca, Mommy loves you.
You have changed my life more than what anyone and everyone thinks.
I thank God everyday for you.
You are my everything and I'll be here for you through thick and thin,
believe me babygirl.
You are mommys lil angel.
I love you babygirl!

A wee bit of heaven
drifted down from above-
A handful of happiness,
a heartful of love.

The mystery of life,
so sacred and sweet-
The giver of joy
so deep and complete.

Precious and priceless,
so lovable, too-
The world's sweetest miracle,
baby, is you.

Feelings From Family & Friends

Bianca, I love you more than you will ever know.
I am so proud of your mommy for doing such a good job of having you
You are so beautiful.
Momma Susie

Bianca Paige, you are so beautiful.
I dont see how your mom could've done any better
Im always gonna be here for ya sweetie
I love you with all my heart
Your Aunt Amy

Bianca, watching your birth was the most wonderful miracle I have ever witnessed
watching you come into this world has created a special bond between us
Being an Aunt for the first time
I realize that I love you just as much as I do my own children
and that is something I never thought was possible til you came along
I love you more than you will ever know sweetheart
Your Aunt April