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He's Alive Sample Page


And then there was a loud commotion, and a multitude of people came, carrying swords and lights. And believe it or not, Judas was leading them. Judas stepped forward and kissed Jesus, and said this is the one. They grabbed Jesus and prepared to take Him away. No one was trying to stop them. I couldn't let that happen. I had to do something, so I grabbed my sword and cut off the ear of the High Priest's servant. I'll show them, I thought. But Jesus reprimanded me, and healed the servant's ear. Jesus didn't try to resist them. It was as if He was giving Himself over to them.

They led Him away to the high priest's house. I followed at a distance. I didn't know what to do. I was afraid. Have you ever been so afraid and confused that you had no idea what to do? That's how I felt. I watched as they mocked Him and beat Him and questioned Him. No matter what they did to Him, He showed no resistance. As I watched, three people asked me if I was with Him, or if I knew Him. I was afraid, and three times, I swore that I did not know Him, that I had never seen Him. And then the ROOSTER CROWED, and Jesus' words crushed down on me like a ton of rocks. I wish that I could have been covered by rocks or that the mountains would fall on me, because I had DENIED Him. I, Peter, who said that I would die for Him. I couldn't even be strong enough to admit that I knew Him. I was afraid for my life, but what would my life be without Him. I was so ashamed that I left and fell on my face and cried loudly. How could He ever forgive me? How could I ever forgive myself? I had deserted Him. What good was I? When He needed me most, I failed Him. I left Him alone to face His accusers.

He's Alive
The Resurrection
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