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The Island of the Cheese Monkeys

by: Alyson a.k.a. Encharito

Spyro had no enemies left to toast after conquering The Forgotten Worlds and he was very board. Spyro, now an adult dragon decided to fly around over the ocean for a while. Spyro flew many miles day dreaming about torching some sheep when he looked around at the ocean and realized that he was lost. Spyro decided to fly north because that's the direction you go when you're lost. Many hours passed and Spyro wondered where he was. Finally Spyro saw a large island below him. He landed on it and thought he smelled the horrible stench of limburger cheese coming from the trees. "I must be going nuts." He thought to himself. Then, out of the trees came dozens of monkeys wearing funny hats made of limburger cheese. One walked up to Spyro and said he was the leader of the Cheese Monkeys and that Spyro was welcome on their island. Spyro decided to stay for a while and rest his wings. Then he heard about a legend of a monster that lived in a cave on the island. He asked the leader of the Cheese Monkeys about it and once he found out where the cave was, decided to explore it. When the Cheese Monkeys heard what Spyro was going to do they tried to stop him, but Spyro wasn't afraid. When Spyro got to the end of the long, dark cave he saw light and thought that was kinda weird because the Cheese Monkeys said there was only one entrance. Spyro saw that the light was really coming from a giant glowing banana. "There isn't a monster here…" Spyro said. Disappointed, he went back and told the Cheese Monkeys about the giant glowing banana at the end of the cave. The Cheese Monkeys went in and ate the banana. Unfortunately the giant banana was really a science experiment gone wrong. The banana was made when Agent 9 was messing with the Professor's lab and he made a giant radio active banana which then flew out of the lab at a very high speed and landed on the Island of the Cheese Monkeys. After the Cheese Monkeys ate the banana they blew up, the nukeular explosion caused the Island of the Cheese Monkeys to sink. Spyro watched as the Island of the Cheese Monkeys slipped quietly beneath the waves….