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Helping Hands Health Clinic

Dear Family of God:

The Raleigh County Cooperative Parish and United Methodist Churches and First Baptist Church is starting a Health Clinic in the old TCI building on First Avenue. It will be a health clinic to server people in our community who have inadequate means of medical service. The service will be free to the individual and will be available in the evenings and perhaps on a Saturday, if warranted. It will be an all volunteer service of people and professionals from the area. Medication will be furnished to the patient as warranted by the attending physician. This will be done through a pharmacy provided by the clinic.

Doing this requires quite a bit of expense in getting it off the ground and then maintaining it in the future. We are asking the area churches for assistance with some startup money and any volunteer methods they would like to be involved in. We can apply for some grants after we are up and running but we will have to wait for at least two years for most of these. Any help you could give us would be greatly appreciated as we are anxious to get the clinic started. Research has shown this a very needed thing in this area of the state. This will also be a great outreach source for the religious community, by showing how much we care for people in our area.

We have an advisory board in place to get things going. It consists of thirty two people of different expertise in fields associated with the clinic. They are people from different religious and cultural backgrounds working for a common goal. This board must vote on anything that will be down in setting up and maintaining the clinic. No one person or group will have control of the clinic. We will be glad to furnish this list to you. Also, the operation of the organization will be available for public knowledge as requested.

If you would like to meet with me, have me talk with any members of your organization, or give you more information, please let me know. David Carrico of First Baptist (Email:, or Gregory Hayes of First United Methodist (Email:, would be glad to give any needed confirmation of this project. Their phone numbers are First Baptist Church, 253-4252; First United Methodist 252-3435.

Jackie Snead, President
P.O. Box 2222
Beckley, WV 25802



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