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Terms of Service

Welcome to The Runaway Bride Designs. This site is a part of my home site, Passions of a Woman. I hope you can find something you like>

I have in the process of adding several new sets in the next few weeks. Most of these will be to replace the sets lost when Topcities closed.

I do take special request for sets. So, if you are looking for something special or unique, just email me with your request.

I do have a few rules that I ask that you abide by in order to use my sets.

Do not use my sets on any pornographic, hate, discriminatory, or site that is not of a family nature.

Commercial sites need to email me about the use of graphics from this site. There is a small fee charged for using my sets on Commercial sites.

Please do not link to my sets. Download the entire set to your own server. My server does not allow for remote linking.

You may not alter, resize, add to, or in any way change any of my backgrounds or graphics. If you need something for a set that is not there, you may email me with the request.

You do not have to use the entire set on each page but if you use any part of it you must display my logo on each page.

All sets should be linked back to:

There are logos with each set that I do ask that you use.

These backgrounds and graphics are not to be added to any collections and posted for use on any other site.

If you use one of my sets please sign my guestbook or send me an email so that I can pay you a visit.

Now that the rules are done lets go look at the sets.

Graphics are the copyright property of Runaway Bride Designs
and may not be used without written permission.
İRunaway Bride Designs 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004