Eschatology /Es`chaˇtol´oˇgy/ (?), n. [Gr. ? the furthest, last + -logy.]
The doctrine of the last or final things, as death, judgment, and the
events therewith connected.

There are 4 primary Schools of eschetology.


The Two Major Schools of eschetology are Futurism and Historicism

Historicism is the belief that Protestant history is Bible prophecy fulfilled.
    Historicist believe:
        1. Prophecy has not been given to us so that we can know everything
           before it happens, but so that when it does our faith will be strengthened.
          "I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it come to pass you
           might believe." John 14:29

        2. In prophetic terms 1 day is equal to 1 year. "THE YEAR DAY PRINCIPAL"
        3. That a large portion of bible prophecy has been fullfilled
        4. In a yet to come, Visible, awsome, second comming of Jesus Christ
        5. Tim LaHaye did not write the book of Revelation.

Futurism is the belief that most of the book of Revelation is future tense.
    Futurist believe:
        1. Prophecy has been given to us so that we can know everything
           before it happens, but it does not strengthen their faith in times of persecution.
        2. Prophetic time varies from pastor to pastor.
        3. That a large portion of bible prophecy has NOT been fullfilled
        4. In a yet to come, Invisible, secret, hidden second comming of Jesus Christ
        5. Christians will escape a future tribulation peroid via some secret rapture.
        5. A future seven year peace treaty will be held between a one man Antichrist
          and the nation of Israel only to be broken, by the Antichrist 3 and 1/2 years into the settlement.
        6. Tim LaHaye can interperate the book of Revelation better than the bible itself.