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~*Britney Spears*~

~*Britney Spears*~

Full Name: Britney Jean Sears

Birthday: December 2, 1981

Hometown: Kentwood, Louisiana

Marital Status: Married to Kevin Federline. One son, Sean Preston.

MMC: Season 6 & 7

Post MMC: Britney has released many hit albums. Britney’s music has appeared on many television shows and in major motion pictures.

“In the Pink” (2007)... Drew Heart

Britney and Kevin Chaotic (2005)…herself

“Robbie the Reindeer in Legend on the Lost Tribe” (2002)…(Voice of Donner).

“Crossroads” (2002)...Lucy Wagner

“Jack of All Trades” (2000)…Flight Attendant

Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire (1999)…Voice of Donner

The Cast
Britney's Official Website