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Penn's Fleet and Welcome info;

Proven passengers of the Welcome;                                                                                  John Barber
Elizabeth Songhurst Barber
Edward buckman
Thomas  "                                                                                                                   Willliam  "
Sarah    "
Sarah     "
Mary      "
Ruth       "
thomas Fitzwater
George   "
Josiah    "
Mary       "
thomas Gillett
Bartholomew Green
Robert Greenway
Nathaniel Harrison
Jeffrey Hawkins
Dorothy   "
Roger     "
James     "
Daniel     "
Jeffrey    "
susanna   "
Elizabeth  "
Thomas Heriott
Richard Ingelo
Isaac Ingram
thomas Jones
William Lushington
Jeane Matthews
Hannah Mogeridge
Joshua Morris
David Ogden
John Ottey
eleonor pain
Wm. Penn
james Portiff
Dennis rochford
Mary Heiott  "
Mary             "
Grace           "
John Rowland
Priscilla Sheppard Rowland
Thomas                     "
Wm. Smith
John Snashfold
John Songhurst
George Thompson
Ann Hutchins  Townsend
Richard              "
Hannah                "
James                  "
Wm. Wade
Zachariah Whitpaine
Joseph Woodrooffe
Thomas Wynne
Highly probable passengers on the Welcome;                                                                   Jane Batchelor
Benjamin chambers
Philip Theodor Lehnmann
Adam Short
Miriam Short
Ann        "
Robert Smith
Mary Songhurst
John Songhurst
John West
Elizabeth chorley Wynn                                                                                              Possible passengers on the Welcome                                                                               John Burchel
Benj. duffield
Roger Hawkins
Sarah     "
Hannah Ogden
Sarah      "
Caleb Pusey
Ann Stone Pusey
Ann Pusey
Miriam Ingram Short
John Whitpaine
Ann      "
Francis Worley
Henry        "                                                                                                                Possible but rather improbable 
Thomas Buckman
John carver
Mary Lane   Carver
John Chambers
Elizabeth    "
Anne Gibbon
John Gilbert
John Houlston
Margaret Scott

Dec. 29, 1682,   William Penn sent a letter that said "I thank God I am
safely arrived, and 22 sail more".  These are the  ships in his fleet, with
arrival year and, in some cases, the port of  embarkation.
Bristol Factor            1681
John and Sarah    1681
Amity    1682
Freeman 1682
Hester and Hannah  1682  London
Lyon  1682  Liverpool
Friendship  1682   Liverpool
Mary (or Mercy)  1682
Society  1682  Bristol
Golden Hinde 1682
Samuel  1682   Falmouth
Friend's Adventure  1682  Liverpool
Providence  1682  Scarborough
Isabella Ann Katherine (also called Elizabeth and Katherine or Elizabeth, or
                                                1682  London
Hopewell    1682
Lamb  1682   Liverpool
Bristol Factor  (2 trips)  1682  (came up the bay with the Welcome)
Welcome  1682
 Jeffrey  1682  London
Antelope  1682  Belfast
Unicorn  1682   Bristol
Submission    1682   Liverpool
Adventure   London

The Freeman
August, 1682, George Southern, master, one of Penn's fleet
Thomas Brassey
William Morton

Friends' Adventure
September 1682, Thomas Wall, master, one of Penn's fleet
Thomas Barrett
William Beasy
John Brearly
Luke Brindley
Samuel Buckley
Thomas Buckley
John Brock
John Clows
Joseph Clows
Sarah Clows
Ralph Cowgill
Andrew Heath
Eliza Heaton
John Heycock
Job Houle
Thomas Leister
Henry Lingart
Daniel Milnor
Joseph Milnor
James Morris
Ralph Nuttall
George and Eleanor Pownall and children: Reuben, Elizabeth, Sarah,
Rachel and Abigail
Martha Worrall
William and Jane Yardley and children: Enoch, Thomas and William
Shadrach Walley
William and Elizabeth Barrett Venables and children: Joyce and Frances

The Friendship
August 14, 1682, Robert Crossman, master, one of Penn's fleet
James Kennerly
Thomas and Margaret Minshall
John and Jane Sharpless and children: Phebe, John, Thomas (died on
voyage), James, Caleb, Jane and Joseph
John Simcock and sons John and Jacob
William and Margaretta Taylor and children Joseph, Elizabeth and Mary
Peter Taylor
Randle Vernon
Robert Vernon
Thomas Vernon

November, 1683, Robert Crossman, master, from Liverpool
George and Isabella Gleave, servants to Hough, and their son George
Jonathan Hayes, wife Ann Williamson, and children Jonathan, Mary and
John Hough, wife Hannah and son John
Henry Maddock
Thomas Pemberton

The Hester and Hannah
August, 1682, William East, master, one of Penn's fleet.
William Guest

The Jeffries (or Jeffrey)
1st month, 20, 1686, Thomas Arnold, master
Johannes Cassel and children: Arnold, Peter, Elizabeth, Mary, and Sarah
Joseph Ransted
Sarah Shoemaker (widow) and children: George, Abraham, Barbary, Isaac,
Susanna, Elizabeth and Benjamin

The Lamb

October 22, 1682, John Tench, master, one of Penn's fleet
Ellen Cowgill and children John, Ralph, Edmund, Jane and Jennet
Thomas Croasdale, wife Agnes and children: William, John , Elizabeth,
Mary, Bridget and Alice
James Dilworth, wife Ann Waln, son Stephen
Cuthbert and Mary Rudd Hayhurst and Children: Elizabeth, William,
Margery, John, Cuthbert and Alice
Charles Lee
Stephen Sands
Robert and Alice Heaton and children: Grace, Robert, James, Agnes and
Thomas and Margery Stackhouse and nephews: John and Thomas
Nicholas and Jane Turner Waln and children: Jane, Richard and Margaret
Thomas and Alice Hayhurst Wigglesworth

The Lion
August 13, 1682, John Compton, master
Dr. Edward and Mary Wynne Jones and children Martha and Jonathan
William ap Edward and 2nd wife Jane and daughters Katherine and
Elizabeth (Williams)
Edward ap Rees and wife Mably and children Rees and Catherine (Price)

8th month, 14, 1683, John Crumpton, master
Benjamin Acton
Lemuel Bradshaw
Alice Cales
Benjamin Clift
Margaret Colvert (Calvert)
William Conduit
Richard Curtis
Edmund Doyle
Joseph and Elizabeth Fisher and children: Martha, Mary and Moses
Henry Furnace
Joseph Furnace
Rachel Furnace
Rowland Hambridge
Valentine Hollingsworth and son Henry
Elizabeth Johnson
Robert Kilcarth
Edward Lancaster
Robert Lloyd
Peter Long
William Long
Phillip Packer
John Reeves
William Robertson
Robert Selford
Thomas Tearewood
Mary Toole

The Liver (or Levee) of Liverpool

July 1683, James Kilner, master,
Thomas Brinket
Philip England
George Green
Edward Jones
Nicholas Newlin and sons John and Nathaniel ...wife Mary

The Morning Star
November 1683, from Liverpool, Thomas Hayes, master, from Liverpool
Henry Atherly
David Davies
Robert Davies and wife and children
George Edge and wife, Joan "of Barrow"
Humphrey Edwards, servant to John ap Edwards
John ap Edwards and minor children Elizabeth, Sarah, Edward and Evan
Mary Hughes, servant to John ap Edwards
William ap John (Jones), wife Ann Reynold and children John. Alice,
Katherine and Gwen
Gabriel Jones, servant to John ap Edwards
John Loftus
William and Elizabeth Morgan
Thomas Oldham
Thomas Pritchard
Gainor Roberts, sister of Hugh Roberts, married fellow passenger John
Hugh Roberts, wife Jane and children Robert, Ellin, Owen, Edward and
John Roberts
Richard ap Thomas and son Richard, Jr.

The Providence
7th month, 29, 1682, Robert Hopper, master
William Carter
John Lash

10th month, 1683, Robert Hopper, master
Joshua and Isabel Hoopes and children: Dan, Margaret and Christian
John and Christian Palmer

The Rebecca

8th month, 31, 1685, James Skinner, master
Thomas Bates
Richard and Margaret Cureton and children: William and Jane
Edmund and Isabel Cutler and children: Elizabeth, Thomas and William,
John Cutler
Ann Dugdale
Robert Hewit
James Heyworth
James Holgate
Mathew Holdgate and daughter Mary
John Jennings
John and Ann Lathum and children: John, Aron, Moses and Ann
Richard Mather
James Molenex
James Myriall
Cornelius Netherwood
James, Mary, Richard, Edward, Rebecca and Rachell Ratcliffe
Hester Rothwell
James Rothwell
James Scoles
John Scoles
William Wardle
Elizabeth Wingreene

The Samuel
September 18, 1682, John Adey, master, one of Penn's fleet
Edward and Mercy Jefferson
Henry Paxson and wife and children: John, Henry and Elizabeth
Thomas Paxson
Robert Young

The Amity
August 8, 1682, arrived at Upland,
Richard Dymond, master
John Beckingham, servant to Joseph Richards
William Beckingham, servant to Joseph Richards
Thomas Bowman
John Claypoole
John Fletcher
Daniel Hall, servant to Henry Waddy
Thomas Holme
Edmund McVeagh
John and Elizabeth (Sellat) Martin, of Edgcott, Buckinghamshire
James and Jane Paxson and children Sarah and William
William and Mary Paxson and daughter Mary
Joseph and Jane Richards, Of Newgate in Witney, Oxfordshire, settled in
Henry Stacey
Thomas Seary (Cerey)
Henry Waddy The Amity5th month, 15, 1686 at Philadelphia, Richard Dymond,
masterDavid and Sarah Lloyd
Christopher and Barbara Sibthorp and daughter Barbary
William Pike

 The Lyon

August 13, 1682, John Compton, master
Dr. Edward and Mary Wynne
Jones and children Martha and Jonathan (William ap Edward and 2nd wife Jane
and daughters Katherine and Elizabeth (Williams)
Edward ap Rees and wife Mably and children Rees and Catherine (Price)

8th month, 14, 1683, John Crumpton, master Benjamin Acton
Lemuel Bradshaw
Alice Cales
Benjamin Clift
Margaret Colvert (Calvert)
William Conduit
Richard Curtis
Edmund Doyle
Joseph and Elizabeth Fisher and children: Martha, Mary and Moses
Henry Furnace
Joseph Furnace
Rachel Furnace
Rowland Hambridge
Valentine Hollingsworth and son Henry
Elizabeth Johnson
Robert Kilcarth
Edward Lancaster
Robert Lloyd Peter LongWilliam Long
Phillip Packer
John Reeves
William Robertson
Robert Selford
Thomas Tearewood
Mary Toole

The Samuel and Mary

November 1683, Thomas Skeves, master
Samuel Beakes, mother Mary, brothers William and Stephen
Henry Comly, wife Joan and son Henry, Jr.
Joseph Kirle
Thomas Masters
James West
Robert Young

The Society

August, 1682, Thomas Jordan, master, of Bristol
Joseph English
Giles and Mary (English) Knight and son Joseph
Ann Knight
Thomas and Joanna Paschall and children Thomas, William and Mary

The Submission

November 2, 1682, James Settle, master, one of Penn's fleet.
Randall and Allis Blackshaw and family: Phebe, Sarah, Abraham, Jacob,
Mary, Nehemiah and Martha
Robert Bond
Roger and Eleanor Bradbury and family: Jacob, Martha, Jospeh, Sarah and
Elizbaeth Breadbury
James and Jane Clayton and children: James, John, Joshua, Sarah, Mary
and Lydia
Jane and Margery Maude
Allis Dickenson
James and Ann Harrison, Agness Harrison
Ellis and Jane Jones and family: Barbary, Dorothy, Mary and Isaac
Jane Lyon
Joseph Mather
Marjory Mede, Jane Mede
Phineas and Phebe Pemberton and children: Abigail and Joseph
Ralph Pemberton
Richard Radcliffe
Joseph Steward
Lydia Wharmby

The Thomas and Anne

October, 1681, at New Jersey, Thomas Singleton, master, Voyage 1
William Biddle
Francis Collins
Thomas Crundall (Crandall)
Edward Ellis
John Essington

The Unicorne
  10th month, 1682, Thomas Cooper, master
William Cloude and sons William, Jr, Jeremiah and Robert
Anthony Elton, wife Susanna, children: Mary, Geroge, Anthony Jr., and

8th month 31, 1683, Thomas Cooper, master
George and Ellinor Painter and children: Susan and George
Jannet Umphries
10th month, 16, 1685, Thomas Cooper, master
Daniel Flower
Mary Bradwell, Sarah Bradwell
Joshua Chart, Samuel Chart, Jane Chart, Jane Chart, Jr.
Philip Doling
Thomas Hopes, John Hopes
John Ironmonger
Henry Laking, Susanna Laking, Moses Laking
Thomas Martin, Margery Martin, Mary Martin, Sarah Martin, Hannah Martin,
Rachel Martin
Moses Mendenhall
Thomas Mixon, Thomas Mixon, Jr.
Anne Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Benjamin Morgan
Elizabeth Philpot
John Roberts
Hannah Smith
Mary Townsend
Thomas Tushin
Godden Walter
Faith Wotten

The Vine
7th month, 17, 1684, William Preeson, master
Thomas Armes
Henry and Margaret Baker and children: Rachell, Rebecca, Phebe, Hester,
Nathan and Samuel
John Ball
Rebecca Barrow
Mary Becket
Deborah Boothe
Thomas Canby
John Cowp
David Davis
Alexander and Margaret Edwards and children: Margaret, Martha, Alexander
and Thomas
Edward Edwards
Lowry Edwards
Jane Evans (widow) and children: Sarah, Mary, Alice, Eliza and Joseph
Joseph Ferror
Thomas Fisher
Susan Griffith
Elinor Hall
Martha Hall
Mary Hall
Rebecca Hall
Thomas Harrison
Daniel Harris (Harry)
Hugh Harris (Harry)
William and Eliza Hatton
Charles Hues
Joseph Hurst
Anne Jones and daughter Anne
Rees and Hannah Jones and children Richard, Evan and Lowry
Joshua Lort
Robert Lort
Ann Owen
Griffith and Sarah Owen and children: Robert, Sarah and Elinor
Katherine Owen
Robert and Jeane Owen and son Lewis
Lawrence Parker
Rees and Ann Prees and children: Mary, Sarah, Phebe, Richard and John
John and Susan Richards and children: Hannah and Bridget
Henry Siddell
John Siddell
Elizabeth Stedman and children: Sarah, and Joseph
John Stedman
Katherine Tidey and daughter Mary
Richard and Margaret Turner and daughter Rebecca
James Yates
Jeanne, Bridget and Elizabeth Watt

The ship called the "Briston comfort" for England,,,John Read Master arrived here in Delaware river the 28th of the 7th MO 1683, and in the same came Alexander Beardsley and Margaret his wife and his daughter Mary ; the said Alexander is a Glover and he came form Worcester. Tho. Bowater out of Worcsershire, servant to ffrancis ffincher out of Woster city, Glover, for 3 years; they came in the above ship. Richard Hillyard and ;Mary his wife and Rich ; and Philip his sons, and John Witt his servant. Christianus Lewis late of Dudley in Worstershire in England schoolmaster, came in the Comfort of Bristol with capt Reed. Geo. Paintr. and Ellinor his wife late of Haverford West in Pembrokeshire, in south Wales, Husbandman, came in ye Unicorne of Bristow, Tho. Cooper, Mr. arrived here ue 31st 8 mo. 1683; children, susan and Geo: Paintr servant Lewis____ 4 years____cloathes 2 years and wages ye last 2 years ; Janet Umphries, 4 yrs. Dennis rochford, son of William Rochford, who was born in Emstorfey in the county of Wexford in Ireland aboute the yeare '47; and through the goodness and mercy of the Lord was convinced of god's blessed truth about the yeare of '62; went into England and landed in Whitehaven in cumberland the 30th of the 3rd Mo 1675; dwelt in Brighthelmstonin sussex 3 years and kept a grocer's store, and came into the province of Pennsilvania with Mary his wife, daughter of John Heriott, of the parish of hostper poynt in sussex in England (she was born on the 14th of the 3rd Mo, '52), in the ship called the "Welcome", Robert Greenaway comander, with 2 servants, Thomas Jones and Jeane Mathews ;; the said Dennis' 2 daughters Grace and Mary Rochford dyed upon the seas in the said ship; Grace being above 3 years and Mary being 6 months old; the said Dennis rochford landed with his family in Pennsilvania about the 24th day of the 8th Mo 1682. Mary Rochford the second daughter of Dennis and Mary was born in the province of Pennsilvania at Egely poynt, in the county of Philadelphia the 22nd of the 8th Mo 1683,between 10 and 11 of that night, she being the second daughter of that name.

Robert Turner, late of Dublin, in Ireland, mercht. came in ye "Lion of Liverpool", John Crumpton Mr; arrived here the 14, 8 MO, 1683; child Martha; servants, Robt. Threwecks, 4 yrs, HEnry furnice, 4, Robt. Selford, 4, Ben Acton, 4, John Reeves, 4, Robt. Hambidge, 4, Richard Curtis, 4, John Furnace,4, Dan; Furnace, 9, Robt. Threwecks, 13, Oemuel Bradshaw, 4, Robt. Loyd, 4, Wm; Long, 4, Hen' Hollingsworth, 2, Ailolce Cales, 4, Kath/ Furnace, 6, Jos; Furnace, 4. JOseph Fisher and Elizabeth his wife, late of Stilorgin near Dublin, in Ireland, yeoman, borne in Elton in Cheshire, came in ditto ship; cnildren Moses, Joseph, Mary, Martha Fisher; servants Edward Lancastr, 4, Wm. Robertson, 4, Ed; Doyle, 4, Ben; Clift, 4, Tjp' Tearewood, 4, Rob. Kilcarth, 8, Petr. Long,2, Phill; Packer, 4, Wm. conduit, 4, Mary Toole, 4, Eliz. Johnson, 4. Mary Calvert late of Dublin, came in ditto ship. the "Rebecca" of Liverpool, James Skinner comander, Arived at Philadelphia the 13th of the 8 mo, 1685 passengers; John cutler, Edmond Cutler, Isabell Cutler, Elizabeth cutler, Thomas Cutler, Wm Cuttler, freemen, from Bulland, in YOrkshire. Richard Mather, cornelius Netherwood, James Myriall, Wm. Wardle, James Molenex, Eliz. Wingreene, servants to John cutler. Thomas BAtes, a freeman. James Ratclife, Rachell Ratclife, Richard Ratclife, Edward Ratclife, Rebecca Ratclife, Rachell Ratclife, free persons from Monesbury in Lancashire. James Heyworth, Robert HEwit, James Rothwell, servants to the said Ratclife. Richard Cureton and Margaret, his wife, William Dureton, his sone, Jane his daughter, free persons. James Holgate, Ann dugdale, servants to the Curetons Mathew Holgate and Mary his daughter, free persons. John Lathum, ann his wife, JohnJennings, his wife's son, John Lathum his son, Arron his sone, moses his sone, Ann his daughter, free persons. James Scoles, John Scoles,. Hester Rothwell, free persons. 

Arrived here the 29th of the 7th Mo, 1682, the ship called the "Elizabeth Anne and Catherine" form Old England, Thomas Judson commander; Robert Kent, servt. to Phipip Orford.

 Arrived 6th MO 6, 1685, the ship "Charles, from London, Edmond Pane commander. John Marlton, sevt. to Robert KEnt.

 The "ffrancis and Dorothy" from London, Richard Bridgeman commader...arrived Philadelphia 12th of the 8th MO, 1685 Isaac Sheepheard and geretruce his wife and Margaret his dau. John PEter Umstat and BArbara his wife, john his sonn, Margaret and Eave his daughters. Garret Hendrix and Mary his wife and Sarah his daugher. Henry Fry , his servant. Peter Shoomaker and Peter his sonn, Mary his dau and Sarah his cosen; Frances and Gertrude, his daughters. Henry Pookeholes and Mary his wife. Aron Wonderly. John Saxby and Elizabeth his wife and John, Thomas , Elizabeth, Lucy and Ester his Children.

 The "Vnicorne" from Bristoll arrived 16th of 16tgh MO, 1685; Thomas Cooper commander; Daniell Flower, Mzry Bradwell, Mary Bradwell Jr, Sarah Bradwell, Thomas Mixon, Tho; Mixon,jr, Philip Doling, Mary Townsend, Hannah Smith, Tho; Martin, Margery Martin, Mary Martin, Sarah Martin, Hanns Martin, Rachel Martin, Tho; Hopes, John HOpes, Moses Mendinhall, Goddwn Walter, Joshua Chart, SAm; Chart, Jane chart, Jane Chart Fr, John Roberts, Joseph Morgan, benjamin Morgn, Tho; Tushin, Anne MOrgan, Faith Wotten, Eliz. Philpot, HEnry Lakin, Sarah Laken, Susanna Lakin, MOses Laking, John Ironmonger.

The Freeman August, 1682, George Southern, master, one of Penn's fleet Thomas Brassey William Morton 

Friends' Adventure September 1682, Thomas Wall, master, one of Penn's fleet Thomas Barrett William Beasy John Brearly Luke Brindley Samuel Buckley Thomas Buckley John Brock John Clows Joseph Clows Sarah Clows Ralph Cowgill Andrew Heath Eliza Heaton John Heycock Job Houle Thomas Leister Henry Lingart Daniel Milnor Joseph Milnor James Morris Ralph Nuttall George and Eleanor Pownall and children: Reuben, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rachel and Abigail Martha Worrall William and Jane Yardley and children: Enoch, Thomas and William Shadrach Walley William and Elizabeth Barrett Venables and children: Joyce and Frances

The Friendship August 14, 1682, Robert Crossman, master, one of Penn's fleet James Kennerly Thomas and Margaret Minshall John and Jane Sharpless and children: Phebe, John, Thomas (died on voyage), James, Caleb, Jane and Joseph John Simcock and sons John and Jacob William and Margaretta Taylor and children Joseph, Elizabeth and Mary Peter Taylor Randle Vernon Robert Vernon Thomas Vernon 

November, 1683, Robert Crossman, master, from Liverpool George and Isabella Gleave, servants to Hough, and their son George Jonathan Hayes, wife Ann Williamson, and children Jonathan, Mary and Elizabeth John Hough, wife Hannah and son John Henry Maddock Thomas Pemberton 

The Hester and Hannah August, 1682, William East, master, one of Penn's fleet. William Guest 

The Jeffries (or Jeffrey) 1st month, 20, 1686, Thomas Arnold, master Johannes Cassel and children: Arnold, Peter, Elizabeth, Mary, and Sarah Joseph Ransted Sarah Shoemaker (widow) and children: George, Abraham, Barbary, Isaac, Susanna, Elizabeth and Benjamin

 The Lamb October 22, 1682, John Tench, master, one of Penn's fleet Ellen Cowgill and children John, Ralph, Edmund, Jane and Jennet Thomas Croasdale, wife Agnes and children: William, John , Elizabeth, Mary, Bridget and Alice James Dilworth, wife Ann Waln, son Stephen Cuthbert and Mary Rudd Hayhurst and Children: Elizabeth, William, Margery, John, Cuthbert and Alice Charles Lee Stephen Sands Robert and Alice Heaton and children: Grace, Robert, James, Agnes and Ephraim Thomas and Margery Stackhouse and nephews: John and Thomas Nicholas and Jane Turner Waln and children: Jane, Richard and Margaret Thomas and Alice Hayhurst Wigglesworth

The Lion August 13, 1682, John Compton, master Dr. Edward and Mary Wynne Jones and children Martha and Jonathan William ap Edward and 2nd wife Jane and daughters Katherine and Elizabeth (Williams) Edward ap Rees and wife Mably and children Rees and Catherine (Price) 8th month, 14, 1683, John Crumpton, master Benjamin Acton Lemuel Bradshaw Alice Cales Benjamin Clift Margaret Colvert (Calvert) William Conduit Richard Curtis Edmund Doyle Joseph and Elizabeth Fisher and children: Martha, Mary and Moses Henry Furnace Joseph Furnace Rachel Furnace Rowland Hambridge Valentine Hollingsworth and son Henry Elizabeth Johnson Robert Kilcarth Edward Lancaster Robert Lloyd Peter Long William Long Phillip Packer John Reeves William Robertson Robert Selford Thomas Tearewood Mary Toole 

The Liver (or )Levee July 1683, James Kilner, master, from Liverpool Thomas Brinket Philip England George Green Edward Jones Nicholas Newlin and sons John and Nathaniel ...wife Mary

The Morning Star November 1683, from Liverpool, Thomas Hayes, master, from Liverpool Henry Atherly David Davies Robert Davies and wife and children George Edge and wife, Joan "of Barrow" Humphrey Edwards, servant to John ap Edwards John ap Edwards and minor children Elizabeth, Sarah, Edward and Evan Mary Hughes, servant to John ap Edwards William ap John (Jones), wife Ann Reynold and children John. Alice, Katherine and Gwen Gabriel Jones, servant to John ap Edwards John Loftus William and Elizabeth Morgan Thomas Oldham Thomas Pritchard Gainor Roberts, sister of Hugh Roberts, married fellow passenger John Roberts Hugh Roberts, wife Jane and children Robert, Ellin, Owen, Edward and William John Roberts Richard ap Thomas and son Richard, Jr.

 The Providence 7th month, 29, 1682, Robert Hopper, master William Carter John Lash 10th month, 1683, Robert Hopper, master Joshua and Isabel Hoopes and children: Dan, Margaret and Christian John and Christian Palmer 

The Rebecca 8th month, 31, 1685, James Skinner, master Thomas Bates Richard and Margaret Cureton and children: William and Jane Edmund and Isabel Cutler and children: Elizabeth, Thomas and William, John Cutler Ann Dugdale Robert Hewit James Heyworth James Holgate Mathew Holdgate and daughter Mary John Jennings John and Ann Lathum and children: John, Aron, Moses and Ann Richard Mather James Molenex James Myriall Cornelius Netherwood James, Mary, Richard, Edward, Rebecca and Rachell Ratcliffe Hester Rothwell James Rothwell James Scoles John Scoles William Wardle Elizabeth Wingreene

 The Samuel September 18, 1682, John Adey, master, one of Penn's fleet Edward and Mercy Jefferson Henry Paxson and wife and children: John, Henry and Elizabeth Thomas Paxson Robert Young 

The Samuel and Mary November 1683, Thomas Skeves, master Samuel Beakes, mother Mary, brothers William and Stephen Henry Comly, wife Joan and son Henry, Jr. Joseph Kirle Thomas Masters James West Robert Young

 The Society August, 1682, Thomas Jordan, master, of Bristol Joseph English Giles and Mary (English) Knight and son Joseph Ann Knight Thomas and Joanna Paschall and children Thomas, William and Mary

The Submission November 2, 1682, James Settle, master, one of Penn's fleet. Randall and Allis Blackshaw and family: Phebe, Sarah, Abraham, Jacob, Mary, Nehemiah and Martha Robert Bond Roger and Eleanor Bradbury and family: Jacob, Martha, Jospeh, Sarah and Roger Elizbaeth Breadbury James and Jane Clayton and children: James, John, Joshua, Sarah, Mary and Lydia Jane and Margery Maude Allis Dickenson James and Ann Harrison, Agness Harrison Ellis and Jane Jones and family: Barbary, Dorothy, Mary and Isaac Jane Lyon Joseph Mather Marjory Mede, Jane Mede Phineas and Phebe Pemberton and children: Abigail and Joseph Ralph Pemberton Richard Radcliffe Joseph Steward Lydia Wharmby 

The Thomas and Anne October, 1681, at New Jersey, Thomas Singleton, master, Voyage 1 William Biddle Francis Collins Thomas Crundall (Crandall) Edward Ellis John Essington

 The  Thomas 8th month 31, 1683, Thomas Cooper, master George and Ellinor Painter and children: Susan and George Jannet Umphries 10th month, 16, 1685, Thomas Cooper, master Daniel Flower Mary Bradwell, Sarah Bradwell Joshua Chart, Samuel Chart, Jane Chart, Jane Chart, Jr. Philip Doling Thomas Hopes, John Hopes John Ironmonger Henry Laking, Susanna Laking, Moses Laking Thomas Martin, Margery Martin, Mary Martin, Sarah Martin, Hannah Martin, Rachel Martin Moses Mendenhall Thomas Mixon, Thomas Mixon, Jr. Anne Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Benjamin Morgan Elizabeth Philpot John Roberts Hannah Smith Mary Townsend Thomas Tushin Godden Walter Faith Wotten 

"The  Bristoll Merchant", John Stephens commander arrived here the 10th of
the 9th MO, 1685.  Passenger name were as followeth;
    Jasper Farmer, sr , his family--
    Mary Farmer, widow. Edward Farmer, Edward Batsford, Sarah Farmer, widow,
Elizazbeth Farmer, Katherine Farmer. Kr.
    their servants;
James Daly, Philip Mayow and Helen, his wife, John Mayow, John Whitloe,
Nicholas Whitloe, Thomas Yound and his wife, william Winter, George Fisher.
Arthur Smith, Thomas Alferry, Henry Wells, Robert Wilkison, Elizabeth Mayow,
Martha Mayow, , Sarah Binke, Shele Ocevan, Andrew Walbridge, all from
    Thomas Webb and Daniel his son.
    Thomas Webb's servants are as followeth;
    John Beltshire, John Robinson, Richard fford, James Banbury, Thomas
Case, Henry fford, John ffox, Derby Haley, Joseph Case, Thomas Burke, John
Garrell, John Mehone, David Quinn, Mary Widdam, Prudence Stuart, Katherine
Robinson, Richard Muske.
    Nicholas Scull; his servants - Samuel Hall, Cornelius Dayve, George
Gooding, Miles MOrin, Daniel Morin, John Ward, Mary Cantwell.
    Thomas Carter's family - Thomas Carter, sr, Frances his wife, Thomas his
sonn, Henry his sonn, John his sonn, Ann his daughter.
    Johathan Thatcher.


PA's  first court proceedings . This is a list of names present at the 1st court after the proprietary's arrival;  the court sat from Feb 14th, 1682 till the 27 of the same month;
John Simcock, pres
William Clayton
Thos Brassy
John Bezer               (these 4 were the justices)
Thomas Vsher, Sheriffe
Tho; Bevell, Clerke
William Rawson
James Browne
Jeremiah Collett
William Hewes
Walter Martin
Nath. Evans
Johnus Hastings
William Woodsmanson
Tho. colborne
Albert Hendrickson
Joseph Richards
Edward Carter

John martin, accon called &
Richard Dymon, Drft......e Deft. appeared not
        case deferred

Jacobus ffabrushes Plaint.........neither plaint.
Peter Erickson deft....................nor Deft. appeared
        case continued

George Thompson appeared
Lawrence Carolus, for marrying the above George and Merriam Short, contrary
to the "lawes of ye province".....this was deferred until the next sitting.
(the problem was that the minister was a Lutheran.   Both he and Geo. were
brought to court later, but as none appeared against them, charges were
dropped......( Miriam and child were later being supported by the
community, and it is unknown if George died or abandoned her.  Miriam went
on to marry twice more, to Aaron Coppock and William White.)

Michael Izard against John Johnson
John Hazell had charges against John Campion

Joseph Williard testified at one trial, as did Joshua Hastings.

a case involving George Strode and William Cloud was continued

a case involving Henry Reynolds vs Robert Eyes; rests

    In this court no Swede appears among the justices, and only 2 as jurors.
They may have been excluded to some extent by the naturalizatin law, passed
12-7-1682, which required all "strangers and forreigners yt now do inhabit
this province" to declare their allegiance within 3 months in order to be
considered "Freeman".>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

this a list of some of the earliest and most prominent of the Irish Friends
to  arrive in Philadelphia, bringing servants to the colonies,  in 1683.
    "In the Lion of Leverpoole,- Robert Turner, late of Dublin in Ireland,
merchant.  He arrived here (Philadelphia) the 14th MO, 8,
1683 (child) Martha Turner."

Servants brought aboard the Lion, by Mr.. Turner;
Robt: . Trewecks
Henry Furnace
Robt. Selford
Ben" Acton
John Reeves
Row: Hambridge,  
Richard Curlis
John Furnace
Daniel Furnace
Robert Threewecks  
Lemuel Bradshaw
Robt. Lloyd
Wm. Louge
Hen: Hollingsworth
Aiolce Cales   
Kath: Furnace
Jos.  Furnace

