Here are the main ones you'll need to know, aside from the
usual; w=wife, s=son d=dead, dt =daughter, b=born,
cert=certificate, fam=family, MH = meetine house, MM= monthly
acc accept accepted acceptable
ack mo acknowledged marriage out
ae age
aml announced marriage intentions first time
b born
bur buried
cert certificate
ch child children
clear clearness with respect to
com complained complained of
comm committee
con condemned
d died
dec deceased
dis disowned disowned for
dmi declared marriage intentions first
dmist declared marriage intentions second
dt daughter daughters
dtd dated
end endorsed
exms excused from military service
fam family
form former formerly
Frds Friends
gc granted
gct granted certificate to
gc efms granted cert
excusing military service
gl granted letter
h husband
jas joined another society
jG joined Gurneyites
jH joined Hicksites
jW joined Wilburites
ltm liberatd to marry or
left at liberty to marry
m marry marriage marrying
ma marriage authorized
mbrp membership
mcd married contrary to discipline
MH meetinghouse
mos married out of society
mou married out of unity
mtg meeting
ni not identified
nm nonmember
PM particular or preparative meeting
prc produced certificate
prcf produced certificate from
prlf produced letter from
QM Quarterly Meeting
rec received recommended
recrq received by request
relrq released by request
rem remove removed
rem cert removal certificate
rmt reported married to
roc received on certificate
rocf received on certificate from
rol received on letter
rolf received on letter from
rpd eported
rq request requested
rqc requested certificate
rqct requested certificate to
rqcuc requested to come under care
(of mtg)
rqlt requested letter to
rst reinstate reinstated
rtco referred to care of
s son
uc under care (of mtg)
unm unmarried
w ife
wd widow
YM Yearly Meeting
Legal terms and genealogy
commonly found in wills and other documents;
ABSTRACT - Summary of important points of a given text, especially deeds and
ACRE - See measurements.
ADMINISTRATION (of estate) - The collection, management and distribution of an
estate by proper legal process.
ADMINISTRATOR (of estate) - Person appointed to manage or divide the estate of
a deceased person.
ADMINISTRATRIX - A female administrator.
AFFIDAVIT - A statement in writing, sworn to before proper authority.
ALIEN - Foreigner.
AMERICAN REVOLUTION - U.S. war for independence from Great Britain 1775 -1783.
ANCESTOR - A person from whom you are descended; a forefather.
ANTE - Latin prefix meaning before, such as in ante-bellum South, "The
South before the war"
APPRENTICE - One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement or by any
means to serve another person for a certain time, with a view of learning an
art or trade.
APPURTENANCE - That which belongs to something else such as a
building,orchard, right of way, etc.
ARCHIVES - Records of a government, organization, institution; the
placewhere records are stored.
ATTEST - To affirm; to certify by signature or oath.
BANNS - Public announcement of intended marriage.
BENEFICIARY - One who receives benefit of trust or property.
BEQUEATH - To give personal property to a person in a will. Noun --bequest.
BOND - Written, signed, witnessed agreement requiring payment of a specified
amount of money on or before a given date.
BOUNTY LAND WARRANT - A right to obtain land, specific number of acres of
unallocated public land, granted for military service.
CENSUS - Official enumeration, listing or counting of citizens.
CERTIFIED COPY - A copy made and attested to by officers having charge of the
original and authorized to give copies.
CHAIN - See measurements.
CHATTEL - Personal property which can include animate as well as inanimate
CHRISTEN - To receive or initiate into the visible church by baptism; to
name at baptism; to give a name to.
CIRCA - About, near, or approximate -- usually referring to a date.
CIVIL WAR - War between the States; war between North and South, 1861-65.
CODICIL - Addition to a will.
COLLATERAL ANCESTOR - Belong to the same ancestral stock but not in direct
line of descent; opposed to lineal such as aunts, uncles & cousins.
COMMON ANCESTOR - Ancestor shared by any two people.
CONFEDERATE - Pertaining to the Southern states which seceded from theU.S. in
1860 -1861, their government and their citizens.
CONSANGUINITY - Blood relationship.
CONSORT - Usually, a wife whose husband is living
CONVEYANCE - See deed.
COUSIN - Relative descended from a common ancestor, but not a brother or
DAUGHTER-IN-LAW - Wife of one's son.
DECEDENT - A deceased person.
DECLARATION OF INTENTION - First paper, sworn to and filed in court, by an
alien stating that he wants to become a citizen.
DEED - A document by which title in real property is transferred from one
party to another.
DEPOSITION - A testifying or testimony taken down in writing under oath of
affirmation in reply to interrogatories, before a competent officer to
replace the oral testimony of a witness.
DEVISE - Gift of real property by will.
DEVISEE - One to whom real property (land) is given in a will.
DEVISOR - One who gives real property in a will.
DISSENTER - One who did not belong to the established church, especially the
Church of England in the American colonies.
DISTRICT LAND OFFICE PLAT BOOK - Books or rather maps which show the location
of the land patentee.
DISTRICT LAND OFFICE TRACT BOOK - Books which list individual entries by range
and township.
DOUBLE DATING - A system of double dating used in England and America from
1582-1752, because it was not clear as to whether the year commenced January
1 or March 25
DOWER - Legal right or share which a wife acquired by marriage in the real
estate of her husband, allotted to her after his death for her lifetime.
EMIGRANT - One leaving a country and moving to another.
ENUMERATION - Listing or counting , such as a census.
EPITAPH - An inscription on or at a tomb or grave in memory of the one
buried there.
ESCHEAT - The reversion of property to the state when there are no qualified
ESTATE - All property and debts belonging to a person.
ET AL - Latin for "and others".
ET UX - Latin for "and wife".
ET UXOR - And his wife. Sometimes written simply Et Ux.
EXECUTOR - One appointed in a will to carry out its provisions. Female
FATHER-IN-LAW - Father of one's spouse.
FEE - An estate of inheritance in land, being either fee simple or fee tail.
An estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of the performing of
certain services.
FEE SIMPLE - An absolute ownership without restriction.
FEE TAIL - An estate of inheritance limited to lineal descendant heirs of a
person to whom it was granted.
FRANKLIN, STATE OF - An area once known but never officially recognized and
was under consideration from 1784 - 1788 from the western part of North
FRATERNITY - Group of men (or women) sharing a common purpose or nterest.
FREE HOLD - An estate in fee simple, in fee tail, or for life.
FRIEND - Member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker.
FURLONG - See measurements.
GAZETTEER - A geographical dictionary; a book giving names and descriptions of
places usually in alphabetical order.
GENEALOGY - Study of family history and descent.
GENTLEMAN - A man well born.
GIVEN NAME - Name given to a person at birth or baptism, one's first and
middle names.
GLEBE - Land belonging to a parish church.
GRANTEE - One who buys property or receives a grant.
GRANTOR - One who sells property or makes a grant.
GREAT-AUNT - Sister of one's grandparent
GREAT-UNCLE - Brother of one's grandparent.
GUARDIAN - Person appointed to care for and manage property of a minor
orphan or an adult incompetent of managing his own affairs.
HALF BROTHER/HALF SISTER - Child by another marriage of one's mother or
father; the relationship of two people who have only one parent in common.
HEIRS - Those entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit property
from another.
HOLOGRAPHIC WILL - One written entirely in the testator's own handwriting.
HOMESTEAD ACT - Law passed by Congress in 1862 allowing a head of a family to
obtain title to 160 acres of public land after clearing and improving it
for 5 years.
HUGUENOT - A French Protestant in the 16th and 17th centuries. One of the
reformed or calvinistic communion who were driven by the thousands into
exile in England, Holland, Germany and America.
ILLEGITIMATE - Born to a mother who was not married to the child's father.
IMMIGRANT - One moving into a country from another.
INDENTURE - Today it means a contract in 2 or more copies. Originally made in
2 parts by cutting or tearing a single sheet across the middle in a
jagged line so the two parts may later be matched.
INDENTURED SERVANT - One who bound himself into service of another person for
a specified number of years, often in return for transportation to this
INFANT - Any person not of full age; a minor.
INSTANT - Of or pertaining to the current month. (Abbreviated inst.)
INTESTATE - One who dies without a will or dying without a will.
INVENTORY - An account, catalog or schedule, made by an executor or
administrator of all the goods and chattels and sometimes of the real estate
of a deceased person.
ISSUE - Offspring; children; lineal descendants of a common ancestor.
LATE - Recently deceased.
LEASE - An agreement which creates a landlord - tenant situation.
LEGACY - Property or money left to someone in a will
LEGISLATURE - Lawmaking branch of state or national government; elected
group of lawmakers.
LIEN - A claim against property as security for payment of a debt.
LINEAGE - Ancestry; direct descent from a specific ancestor.
LINEAL - Consisting of or being in a direct line of ancestry or descendants;
descended in a direct line.
LINK - See measurements.
LIS PENDENS - Pending court action; usually applies to land title claims.
LODGE - A chapter or meeting hall of a fraternal organization.
LOYALIST - Tory, an American colonist who supported the British side during
the American Revolution.
MAIDEN NAME - A girl's last name or surname before she marries
MANUSCRIPT - A composition written with the hand as an ancient book or a
non-printed modern book or music.
MARRIAGE BOND - A financial guarantee that no impediment to the marriage
existed, furnished by the intended bridegroom or by his friends.
MATERNAL - Related through one's mother, such as a Maternal grandmother being
the mother's mother.
Link - 7.92 inches
Chain - 100 Links or 66 feet
Furlong - 1000 Links or 660 feet
Rod - 5 1/2 yds or 16 1/2 ft (also called a perch or pole)
Rood - From 5 1/2 yards to 8 yards, depending on locality
Acre - 43,560 square ft or 160 square rods
MESSUAGE - A dwelling house.
METES & BOUNDS - Property described by natural boundaries, such as 3
notches in a white oak tree, etc.
MICROFICHE - Sheet of microfilm with greatly reduced images of pages of
MICROFILM - Reproduction of documents on film at reduced size.
MIGRANT - Person who moves from place to place, usually in search of work
MIGRATE - To move from one country or state or region to another. (Noun :
MILITIA - Citizens of a state who are not part of the national military
forces but who can be called into military service in an emergency; acitizen
army, apart from the regular military forces.
MINOR - One who is under legal age; not yet a legal adult.
MISTER - In early times, a title of respect given only to those who held
important civil officer or who were of gentle blood.
MOIETY - A half; an indefinite portion
MORTALITY - Death; death rate.
MORTALITY SCHEDULES - Enumeration of persons who died during the year prior
to June 1 of 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 in each state of the United States,
conducted by the bureau of census.
MORTGAGE - A conditional transfer of title to real property as security for
payment of a debt.
MOTHER-IN-LAW - Mother of one's spouse.
NAMESAKE - Person named after another person.
NECROLOGY - Listing or record of persons who have died recently
NEE - Used to identify a woman's maiden name; born with the surname of.
NEPHEW - Son of one's brother or sister.
NIECE - Daughter of one's brother or sister.
NONCUPATIVE WILL - One declared or dictated by the testator, usually for
persons in last sickness, sudden illness, or military.
ORPHAN - Child whose parents are dead; sometimes, a child who has lost one
parent by death.
ORPHAN'S COURT - Orphans being recognized as wards of the states, provisions
were made for them in special courts.
PASSENGER LIST - A ships list of passengers, usually referring to those
ships arriving in the US or Canada, from Europe.
PATENT - Grant of land from a government to an individual.
PATERNAL - Related to one's father. Paternal grandmother is the father's
PATRIOT - One who loves his country and supports its interests.
PEDIGREE - Family tree; ancestry.
PENSION - Money paid regularly to an individual, especially by a government as
reward for military service during wartime or upon retirement from government
PENSIONER - One who receives a pension.
PERCH - See measurements.
POLE - See measurements.
POLL - List or record of persons, especially for taxing or voting.
POST - Prefix meaning after, as in post-war economy.
POSTERITY - Descendants; those who come after.
POWER OF ATTORNEY - When a person is unable to act for himself, he appoints
another to act in his behalf.
PRE - Prefix meaning before, as in pre-war military build-up.
PRE-EMOTION RIGHTS - Right given by the federal government to citizens, to buy
a quarter section of land or less.
PROBATE - Having to do with wills and the administration of estates.
PROGENITOR - A direct ancestor.
PROGENY - Descendants of a common ancestor; issue.
PROVED WILL - A will established as genuine by probate court.
PROVOST - A person appointed to superintend, or preside over something.
PROXIMO - In the following month, in the month after the present one.
PUBLIC DOMAIN - Land owned by the government.
QUAKER - Member of the Religious Society of Friends.
QUITCLAIM - A deed conveying the interest of the party at that time.
RECTOR - A clergyman; the ruler or governor of a country.
RELICT - Widow; surviving spouse when one has died, husband or wife.
REPUBLIC - Government in which supreme authority lies with the people or
their elected representatives.
REVOLUTIONARY WAR - U.S. war for independence from Great Britain 1775 -1783.
ROD - See measurements.
ROOD - See measurements.
SHAKER - Member of a religious group formed in 1747 which practiced communal
living and celibacy.
SIBLING - Person having one or both parents in common with another; a
brother or sister.
SIC - Latin meaning thus; copied exactly as the original reads. Often
suggests a mistake or surprise in the original.
SON-IN-LAW - Husband of one's daughter.
SPINSTER - A woman still unmarried; or one who spins.
SPONSOR - A bondsman; surety.
SPOUSE - Husband or wife.
STEP-BROTHER / STEP-SISTER - Child of one's step-father or step-mother.
STEP-CHILD - Child of one's husband or wife from a previous marriage.
STEP-FATHER - Husband of one's mother by a later marriage.
STEP-MOTHER - Wife of one's father by a later marriage.
SURNAME - Family name or last name.
TERRITORY - Area of land owned by a country, not a state or province,but
having its own legislature and governor.
TESTAMENTARY - Pertaining to a will.
TESTATE - A person who dies leaving a valid will.
TESTATOR - A person who makes a valid will before his death.
TITHABLE - Taxable.
TITHE - Formerly, money due as a tax for support of the clergy or church.
TORY - Loyalist; one who supported the British side in the American
TOWNSHIP - A division of U.S. public land that contained 36 sections, or 36
square miles. Also a subdivision of the county in many Northeastern and
Midwestern states of the U.S.
TRADITION - The handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs,
genealogies, etc. from generation to generation, especially by word of
TRANSCRIBE - To make a copy in writing.
ULTIMO - In the month before this one.
UNION - The United States; also the North during the Civil War, the states
which did not secede.
VERBATIM - Word for word; in the same words, verbally.
VTAL RECORDS - Records of birth, death, marriage or divorce.
VITAL STATISTICS - Data dealing with birth, death, marriage or divorce.
WAR BETWEEN THE STATES - U.S. Civil War, 1861 - 1865.
WARD - Chiefly the division of a city for election purposes.
WILL - Document declaring how a person wants his property divided after his
WITNESS - One who is present at a transaction, such as a sale of land or
signing of a will, who can testify or affirm that it actually took place.
WPA HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY - A program undertaken by the US Government from
1935 - 1936, in which inventories were compiled of historical material.
YEOMAN - A servant, an attendant or subordinate official in a royal
household; a subordinate of a sheriff; an independent farmer.
A = Aunt
AdD = Adopted Daughter
AdS = Adopted Son
At = Attendant
B = Brother
BL = Brother-in-law
Bo = Boarder (paid for meals and/or extra services with room)
C = Cousin
D = Daughter
DL = Daughter-in-Law
F = Father
FB = Foster Brother
FF = Foster Father
FL = Father-in-Law
FM = Foster Mother
FSi = Foster Sister
GA = Great Aunt
GD = Granddaughter
GF = Grandfather
GGF = Great-grandfather
GGM = Great-grandmother
GGGF = Great-great-grandfather
GGGM = Great-great- grandmother
GM = Grandmother
GNi = Grandniece
GS = Grandson
GU = Great-uncle
Hh = Hired Hand
I = Inmate
L or Lo = Lodger (can be Boarder or Roomer . . . typically a Roomer)
M = Mother
ML = Mother-in-Law
N = Nephew
Ni = Niece
Nu = Nurse
O = Officer
P = Patient
Pa = Partner (share common abode)
Pr = Prisoner
Pri = Principal
Pu = Pupil
R or Ro = Roomer (rents room only w/o any meals or services)
S = Son
SB = Stepbrother
SBL = Stepbrother-in-Law
SD - Stepdaughter
Se = Servant
SF = Stepfather
SFL = Stepfather-in-Law
Si = Sister
SiL = Sister-in-Law
SL = Son-in-Law
SM = Stepmother
SML = Stepmother-in-Law
SS = Stepson
SSi = Stepsister
SSiL = Stepsister-in-Law
SSL = Stepson-in-Law
Su = Superintendent
U = Uncle
W = Wife
Wa = Warden
Citizenship Status
A = Alien
NA = Naturalized
PA = First papers filed
NR = Not Recorded
These are some commonly seen
abbreviations of religious, military,
fraternal & charitable organizations
seen on antique tombstones
AF&AM (Masonic)
AOF Ancient Order Of Foresters
AOH Ancient Order Of Hibernians
AOKMC Ancient Order Of Knights of Mystic
AOUW Ancient Order Of United Workmen
ALOH American Legion of Honor
AUM Ancient Order of Mysteries-
Masonic Order
BPOE Benevolent and Protective Order of
BPOEW Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks of the World
CK of A Catholic Knights of America
COOF Catholic Order of Foresters
CTAS Catholic Total Abstinence Society
CBKA Commander Benevolent Knights
CCTAS Crusaders-Catholic Total Abstinence
CSA Confederate States Army
DAR Daughters of American Revolution
EBA Emerald Beneficial Association
FAA Free and Accepted Americans
F&AM - Free and Accepted Masons.
FOE Fraternal Order of Eagles
GALSTPTR German American Legion of St.
GAR Grand Army of the Republic
GLAUM Grand Lodge Ancient Order of
Mysteries-Masonic Order
GUOOF Grand United Order
of Odd Fellows
IHSV Red Cross of Constantine
IOI Independent Order of Immaculates
IOKP Independent Order of Knights of
IOOF Independent Order of Odd Fellows
ISH Independent Sons of Honor
IORM Improved Order of Redmen
IWW Industrial Workers of the World
JAOUW Junior Order-Ancient Order of United
JOUAM Junior Order-Order of United American
KGL Knight Grand Legion
KM Knights Militant
KC Knights of Columbus
K of C Knights of Columbus
K of FM Knights of Father Matthew
KFM Knights of Father Matthew
K of H Knights of Honor
K of L Knights of Loyola
K M Knights of Malta (Masonic)
KMC Knights of the Mystic Chain
KPC Knights of Peter Claver
KP Knights of Pythias
K of P Knights of Pythias
KSC Knights of St. Columbkille
KG Knights of St. George
KSTG Knights of St. George
KSTI Knights of St. Ignatius
K of SJ Knights of St. John
KSTJ Knights of St. Joseph
KSL Knights of St. Lawrence
KSTM Knights of St. Martin
K of STP Knights of St. Patrick
KSTP Knights of St. Paul
KSTP Knights of St. Peter
KSTT Knights of St. Thomas
K of STW Knights of St. Wenceslas
KT Knights of Tabor
K of T Knights of Tabor
KWM Knights of Wise Men
KGE Knights of Golden Eagle
KHC Knights of Holy Cross
KKK Knights of Klu-Klux Klan
KOTM Knights of Macabees
KSF Knights of Sherwood Forest
KT Knights Templars (Masonic)
LAOH Ladies Ancient Order
of Hibernians
LK of A Loyal Knights of America
LOM Loyal Order of the M.O.O.S.E.
MOLLUS Military Order of the Loyal Legion
of the US MRA Royal Arcanum
MWA Modern Woodsmen of America
NOK New Order Knights (see KKK)
OES Order of the Eastern Star
OUAM Order of United American Mechanics
PM Patriarchs Militant (Independent Order
of Odd Fellows)
POSA Patriotic Order of the Sons of America
RMOKHSJ The Religious and
Military Order of
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
RSTV Rite of St. Vaclara
RSTV Rite of ST. Vita
RK Roman Knights
SR Scottish
Rite (Masonic Order)
RAM Royal Arch Masons
RO-AUM Rosicrucian Order (Masonic)
SBCL Saint Bonifazius Catholic Union
SBL Society B. Lafayette
SCV Sons of the Confederate Veterans
SAR Sons of the American Revolution
SNA-AUM Shrine of North America
SV Sons of Veterans
TH Temple of Honor-Independent Order of Odd
UCV United Confederate Veterans
UDC United Daughters of the
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars
terms and abbreviation used in the
soundex .
Archaic Medical terms http://www.paul_smith.doctors.org.uk/ArchaicMedicalTerms.htm
Symbols found on tombstones and
their meanings
Hope or seafaring profession
Angel, Flying :Rebirth; resurrection
Angel, Trumpeting :Resurrection
Angel, Weeping :Grief & mourning
Arches :Victory in death
Arrow: Mortality
Bird, Flying :Resurrection
Bird: Eternal life
Book: Representation of a holy book; i.e. the bible
Bouquets/Flowers: Condolences, grief, sorrow
Breasts (Gourds, Pomegranates): Nourishment of the soul; the church
Broken Column: Loss of head of family
Broken Ring: Family circle severed
Buds/Rosebud: Morning of life or renewal of life
Bugles: Resurrection and the military
Butterfly: Short-lived; early death
Candle Being Snuffed: Time, mortality
Cherub: Angelic
Coffin: Father time, picks/shovels
Columns and Doors: Heavenly entrance
Corn: Ripe old age
Cross: Emblem of faith
Cossed swords: High-ranking military person
Crown: Glory of life after death
Cup or Chalice:The sacraments
Darts: Mortality
Dove:Innocence, gentleness, affection, purity,devotion, flying
Drapes: Mourning; mortality
Flame or Light: Life; resurrection
Flower, Severed Stem: Shortened life, fragility of life
Flying Birds: Flight of the soul
Fruits: Eternal plenty
Full-Bloom Rose: Prime of life
Garland or Wreath: Victory in death
Grim Reaper:Death personified
Hand of God Chopping: Sudden death
Hand, Pointing Up: Pathway to heaven; heavenly reward
Hands, Clasped:The good-byes said at death
Handshakes: Farewell
Harp: Praise to the maker
Heart:Love; love of God; abode of the soul; mortality
Hearts: Soul in bliss or love of Christ
Horns: The resurrection
Hourglass W/Wings of Time: Time flying; short life
Hourglass: Swiftness of time
Imps: Mortality
Ivy: Friendship and immortality
Lamb: Innocence
Laurel:Fame or victory
Lily or Lily of Valley: Emblem of innocence and purity
Lion: Courage; the lion of Judah
Morning Glory: Beginning of life
Oak Leaves and Acorn: Maturity, ripe old age
Open Book/ Bible: Deceased teacher, minister, etc.
Pall: Mortality
Palm Branch: Signifies victory and rejoicing
Pick: Death; mortality
Poppy: Sleep
Portals:Passageway to eternal journey
Rod or Staff:Comfort for the bereaved
Rooster: Awakening; resurrection
Roses: Brevity of earthly existence
Scythe: Death; the divine harvest
Seashell:Resurrection; life everlasting; life's pilgrimage
Severed Branch: Mortality
Sheaf of Wheat:Ripe for harvest, divine harvest, time
Shells: Pilgrimage of life
Skeleton: Life's brevity
Skull/Crossed Bones: Death
Snake (Tail In Mouth): Everlasting life in heaven
Spade: Mortality; death
Sun Rising: Renewed life
Sun Setting: Death
Sun Shining: Life everlasting
Thistle: Scottish descent
Thistles: Remembrance
Tombs: Mortality
Torch Inverted: Life extinct
Tree Sprouting: Life everlasting
Tree Stump W/Ivy: Head of family; immortality
Tree Stump: Life interrupted
Tree Trunk Leaning: Short interrupted life
Tree Trunk:Brevity of life
Tree: Life
Trumpeters: Heralds of the resurrection
Urn With /Wreath or Crepe: Mourning
Urn With Blaze: Undying friendship
Urn: Immortality (ancient Egyptian belief that life would be restored
Weeping Willow Tree: Mourning; grief; nature's lament
Wheat Strands or Sheaves: The divine harvest
Willows: Earthly sorrow
Winged Effigies: Flight of the soul
Winged Face: Effigy of the deceased soul; the soul in flight
Winged Skull: Flight of the soul from mortal man
Wreath on Skull: Victory of death over life
How to make symbols on your computer;
Here are a list of symbols that can be created
by holding down the ALT. key and typing in the numbers on the special number
keyboard at the right of your regular keyboard (NOT THOSE AVE THE LETTERS)
127 = ¦
128 = Ç
129 = ü
130 = é
131 = â
132 = ä
133 = à
134 = å
135 = ç
136 = ê
137 = ë
138 = è
139 = ï
140 = î
141 = ì
142 = Ä
143 = Å
144 = É
145 = æ
146 = Æ
147 = ô
148 = ö
149 = ò
150 = û
151 = ù
152 = ÿ
153 = Ö
0153 = ™ [trademark]
155 = Ü
156 = £ [English pound sign]
157 = ¥
0157 =
158 = P
159 = ƒ
160 = á
161 = í
162 = ó
163 = ú
0162 = ¢
164 = ñ
0164 = ¤ internat'l currency symbol
165 = ¥
166 = ª
167 = º
0167 = §
168 = ¿
0168 = ¨
169 = ¬
0169 = © copyright sign
170 = ¬
0170 = ª
171 = ½
0171 = «
172 = ¼
173 = ¡
174 = «
0174 = ® registered sign
175 = »
176 = ¦
0176 = °
177 = ¦
0177 = ±
178 = ¦
0178 = ² superscript 2
179 = ¦
0179 = ³ superscript 3
180 = ¦
181 = ¦
182 = ¦
0182 = ¶ paragraph symbol
183 = +
0183 = ·
184 = +
0184 = ¸
185 = ¦
0185 = ¹
186 = ¦
0186 = º superscript 0
0189 = ½
0190 = ¾
0215 = ×
0216 = Ø
0217 = Ù
0219 = Û
0220 = Ü