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Baby Adoptions

Welcome to my Baby Adoptions.
The rules are simple:

You must save the graphic to your own
hard drive. No remote linking is allowed.

You must place a logo with the
adoption and link it back to:

Webtv users please email me with
the request for your graphic.

These are delivery cards that you can grab and personalize. If you need someone to personalize one for you, please send me an email with the card you wish to use and all of the vital information. Please allow 24-48 hours for personalization.

Home/Birthstones/Zodiac/Wedding and Anniversary/Angels
Misc. Adoptions/Snowglobes/Holidays/Shadowboxes/Just Because/Sets/

All graphics and background sets on
this site are the property of the Webmistress.....
©2001, 2002 The Runaway Bride and The Runaway Bride Designs.