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Welcome to my Valentine Angel Adoptions. These angels do look best on a light background and all are transparent. Take as many as you like by right clicking on the images. Webtv users please feel free to email me and I will send you the angel you request. All I ask is to use the special logo with each angel and link it back to me.

Please link all images to:

Valentine Adoptions

Angels/ Bears/ Hearts/ Hearts 2/ Valentine Cookies

Home/Birthstones/Zodiac/Wedding and Anniversary/Angels
Misc. Adoptions/Snowglobes/Holidays/Shadowboxes/Just Because/Sets/

All creations are made using free tubes and graphics from the internet. I do not have the copyright to the individual images but I do reserve the copyright on the use of the combined images as seen within this site........copyright 2002 Runaway Bride Designs.