take me away from here
make it all go away
make them leave me alone
make it so i don't care

let me lose myself in you
i can't stand it anymore
another lie
it won't be long before your mine
another day
a long night
pretending you're coming
pretending you're here

and it's just so cold inside
an emptiness for you
a loss of what was never there
an ache to be soothed

come to me
don't pull away again
we have enough strife from others
why can't we just be together
and forget the barriers

but we focus on the hardness
on the lies of the past
on the pain inflicted by others
and hold back what needs given
why suffer anymore
we open our own wounds
to watch the blood flow
another excuse to hide in the shadows

let me be your light
baring what was hiddin
let me see what makes you
let me feel you
touch you
know you
nothing hidden
all for me


Email: therefore_iam_not@yahoo.com