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OJ from me to you

Seeing the benefits of this function on other people's sites, I figured I'd give it a whirl but it probably will be really trashy so these are my events to your comps. (And the feedback is for this portion of the site only)

get this gear!

Thursday July 11, 2002
Went to Tuxedo Brizown's house for a slammin get together on this day with Diz. The turnout was, me, diz, tux, hal, abhay, suit, patty d, burns, jizz, and lauren coil. We ate, we drank soda, we let off fireworks and had a roman candle battle that wasn't as good as we wished but with limited resources who cares. Well, the ride home was interesting because we parked at the Sofsky's because Dylan didn't want to back up in tux's driveway again. We start eggs and everything's good and all of a sudden it won't go into gear so we just leave it and walk back getting a ride from Mrs. Tux.

Friday July 12, 2002
I did lots of nothing today, actually I edited a film of us "fixing" eggs and made this web site hope you enjoy. I also took out the trash if you know what I mean w00t!!When I get a better feel for html and what not, I will make all of this a little better but not to much.

Saturday July 13, 2002
Today, I woke up at 10 and got online and was like what am I doing so I went back to bed. During this slumber, I had a weird dream about R. Yocum so when I awoke I called her to tell her of it and then we hung out after she got off work. We didn't do a lot so not much to tell so have fun poose pie?

Sunday July 14, 2002
AHH, this day started out with me and my mom going to circuit city to buy a new record player and me not wanting to buy an entire new system all I wanted was the record player. So I bought 2 ps2 games instead came home played one started on the other and Dylan cam over for a little of what I thought to be frisbee. We went to the morg's and sat around talking il 3:30 when we started on our Meat Eaters CLub meeting although I ate only boca (I being the KC veg that I am had boca burger, boca sausage, and boca chicken MM MM). THe whole group was me, diz, eli, night,kp, and hornak. We ended this venture by going to see Crieky (AKA Collision Course which was relatively goodby then it was just me, diz, and hornak). We ended the evening with a classic stay at GDD where we played story telling games and here I am now telling about this day).

July 15, 2002
Not a lot to tell about today. I got up and played ps2. Diz, Travis, andm Dange came by and we frisbeed it up for a little bit, I cam ehome showered, did nothing and played more ps2. I just made a stupid short movie inspired by a Diz short tht I am calling ADC the movie. Other than that SIU.

July 19, 2002
Been a while since I've updated this, even though it seems as if it's all for not. HMM.. well I was supposed to hang out with the GOrb yesterday and because my sister is a ? and needs to be on the phone at all times I never recieved the call, it's a miracle I can even update this right now. So anyway I have been in my house for the past couple of days doing nothing. Poose pie, I need to get a larger cd carryign case. My alarm some how got set onto music mode which I never use and I thought there was something wrong with my stereo so what an idiot am I. I'm thinking about just deleting this site altogether unkess I get some feedback.

Friday July 19, 2002 (cont)
HMMMMM... Today I started an online web comic and burned some cd's. Followed by that, Diz stopped by and we went to fly kites with Stove and Dange. The kites we got were great, Hulk Hogan and the Silver Surfer. Well, the hulk hogan went into a tree never to come down adn the silver surfer got trashed being flown out a window. We then proceeded to diz's to contemplate what next. During this we looked at the 2000-2001 yearbook which is trash. Then we went to GDD where we did the usual eat somethign chepa and discuss entertainmetn schmeal. Other than that I watched Commando, a horrible Arnold Schwarzzeneger movie. Sleep long sleep wel only to awaken in hell triz.

Tuesday August 13, 2002
It's been a while since I've updated this trash so, I figured what the heck go for it. SO I wen to the temple for my first sunday action and had so much fun. The people were awsome and the food was great. My mom did some dancing as well. I'm loving Krishna Consciousness.Well, that's about all I got right now so have fun.