I received a tag similar to this and decided to try duplicating it.
What you will need:
Some knowledge of Paint Shop Pro
Paint Shop Pro
This Font
Unzip and place in your fonts folder.
You will be using a solid color, texture or gradient of your choice.
I have included the texture that I used in three different colors if you would like to choose one.
Open new image 375 x 235 transparent.
Set your foreground and background to black.
Using your text tool, type in your name, selecting the LD specs font, size 72.
Resize as desired, then crop to desired size using the crop tool.
Convert to raster.
Zoom in and use the eraser tool to erase the eyeballs
Add a new layer and move it under the text layer.
You can name this layer Text Fill.
Select the color, pattern or gradient that you would like to fill with.
Select the paint brush and fill in your letters, not the eyes.
It should now look similar to this
Add a new layer. Name it Eye Fill. Move this layer under your filled text layer.
If you want your tag to have a white background,
flood fill this layer with white.
If you want only the eyes to be white,
paint them in with the paint brush.
Turn off layer one in the layer pallette, then go to layers, merge, merge visible.
Select the merged layer in your layer palette.
Right click on it and select duplicate.
Duplicate this layer 6 times for a total of 7 layers.
Select your paintbrush using the same setting except size 3.
Set foreground color to black.
Select one of the merged layers at a time and turn the rest off.
Paint a dot for the eyes in each letter.
Turn off this layer and select your next layer and do the same,
placing the eyes in a different position.
Repeat until all layers have eyes on them.
Check each layer to be sure the eyes are ok by turning off one layer at a time.
You can erase and redo where necessary.
Click on your first name layer again and be sure all other layers are turned off.
Go to file, save as a psp file.
Turn off this layer and turn on the next merged layer.
Save this layer giving it a different name.
I find it easy to just save them as 1, 2, 3, etc.
Repeat until all merged layers are saved.
Now, open animation shop.
Click on the Wizzard.
Go to file, save as and give it a name.
More screens will pop up.
Just keep clicking on Next until the screen
comes up that says finish and click on it.
Ta Da! You have animated eyes!
Hope you have enjoyed this tut.
Here is another one that I did.
This one was created by Bonnie.
Thank you Bonnie for trying my tut.
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