Advent Calendar
I got this idea while thumbing through a magazine at the doctor's office.
Decided to try it in PSP.
Besides Paint Shop Pro 7, you will need this zip file.
You will also need this zip file.
It contains the tubes that I used. I did not make these tubes and I do not remember where I got them. If you recognize them as yours, please let me know so that I can give you credit for them.
The tubes have been resized.
You will also need a tube of your choice for the center.
OK, unzip both of your zip files into a folder on your hard drive and lets get going.
Open the adventcal.psp file. Shift + D to duplicate. Close the original.
Open the klspeppermint.tub and the redbow.psp file.
Go to your layer palette and add a new layer.
Copy your peppermint tube then click on the advent calendar and paste as new selection. Center it in one of the sections below the numbers.
Continue pasting as new selection, skipping every other space, until you have completed the circle.
SAVE as psp file.
Add a new layer. Repeat the above process with the redbow.psp file. Copy it and pasting until all the spaces are filled.
Add a new layer. Add a tube of your choice to the center, resizing as needed.
If you would like to color your numbers, here's how.
Highlight layer 1 on your layer palette.
Using your selection tool, rectangle, draw a square around your circle. Then click on the numbers to select them. Go to Effects, Enhance Photo, Manual Color Correction. Click on the zoom tool so that you can see the entire image. Draw a square around it and it will automatically select the numbers. Choose the color you would like to use, then click on OK. You may have to do this 3 or 4 times to build up the color. See the screen shot below:
If you would like to color in some of the sections, well that's another story. Just kidding Select the color that you would like to use. Add a new layer. Move it below Layer 1. Select the paint brush tool using a size you are comfortable with and paint in the areas that contain the numbers 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24.
Then if you want the other sections colored in, select a lighter color and you should be able to flood fill them with color.
Save as jpg.
Now all you have to do is print it out and give to the kiddies so they can mark off the days till Christmas.
To print it as a full page, go to File, Page Setup.
Make sure it is marked "Fit to Page".
Then go to File, Print.
Here's a couple more examples: