I used to make angels similar to this out of yarn and used shiny paper twist for the wings.
That's where I got this idea.
This tut assumes that you have a working knowledge of PSP.
This tut has a lot of selections and seems lengthy but it is really quick to do.
What you will need:
Paint Shop Pro 7
Super Blade Pro
My selection files
My Gold Preset
You will also need this fill tile.
 Right click to save.
Ok, got everything? Good. Let's get started.
1. Unzip your selections file to your PSP selections folder.
2. Unzip your shiny gold preset to Super Blade Pro's Environments and Textures folder.
3. Open a new image 300 x 300 transparent.
4. Flood fill with a color of your choice. Add a new layer. Name this layer Wings.
5. Go to selections, load from disk, and select wings.sel, then flood fill with white.
6. Add a new layer. Name this layer Dress. Load the dress.sel and flood fill with a color of your choice.
I used white #FFFFFF.
7. Open the sbsnowfill.jpg. Set your color palette to pattern and select the snowfill pattern.
Flood fill the dress with this pattern.
8. Add a new layer, name it Arms. Load the arms.sel, flood fill white
(or whatever color you chose for the dress), then flood fill with the pattern.
9. Add a new layer. Name it Head. Load the head.sel and flood fill with #F9C8B2.
10. Add a new layer. Name it Hair. Load the hair.sel and flood fill with a color of your choice.
I used #F0DDA8.
11. Add a new layer. Name it Ribbon. Load the ribbon.sel and flood fill with a color of your choice.
I used #996B72.
12. Add a new layer. Name it Leaves. Load the leaf.sel and flood fill with #035D03.
You may want to zoom in for this)
13. Add a new layer. Name it flowers. Flood fill with color of your choice. I used #C3A1A5.
Using your paint brush tool and the same color that you used for the ribbon, add a dot of color inside each
center on the flowers. It does not have to be perfect. Here are the settings that I used.

14. Select the arms layer and add the following drop shadow.

15. Turn off layer 1 and go to layers, merge, merge visible. Be sure you are now on your top layer.
16. Add a new layer. Load the eyes.sel and flood fill with black. Add an inner bevel using the round preset.

17. Add a new layer. Load the eyebrows.sel and flood fill with black.
18. Add a new layer. Load the mouth.sel and flood fill with #E78D8B.
19. Add a new layer. Load the nose.sel and flood fill with the same color as the mouth. Go to selections,
select none.
20. Add a new layer. Using color #EDB0AD and your airbrush tool, airbrush cheeks.
Here are the setting that I used.

Then go to Blur, Gaussian Blur, with a setting of 3.
21. Add a new layer. Load the halo.sel and flood fill with white. With Super Blade Pro, apply the sbgoldshiny preset.

22. Use your crop tool to crop the image to a smaller size.
23. Delete layer 1 and save as psp file or tube.
Whewwwww!!!! We are done!
Hope you enjoyed this tut.
If you have any questions, you can email me by clicking on my name below.