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Bear Calling Card or Tag

What you will need:
Baby Bear Tub

This tut assumes that you are familiar with the basics of PSP 7

Open a new image 300 x 200.

Add a new layer.

Click on the flood fill tool.
Flood fill with white (or color of your choice).

Add a new layer.

Click on the airbrush tool and use these settings.

Airbrush 3 lines near the top of your image.
They do not have to be straight.
I used the following colors:
Aqua #C0FFFF, Peach #FFC0C0, and Yellow #FFFFC0.

Select the retouch tool with these settings: Push, size 20, hardness 0, opacity 100, step 1, density 100

Make some streaks through the lines that you just airbrushed and add some jagged edges.


Then, EFFECTS, GEOMETRIC EFFECTS, WAVE, with these settings:

EFFECTS, 3D EFFECTS, DROP SHADOW with these settings:

Add a New Layer.

Open the baby_bear_tub.psp.

Go to FILE, EXPORT, Picture Tube.
Name it baby bear and click on OK.

Select the baby bear tub with a scale of 65 and step 200.

After adding the tube, move it with the mover tool to the desired position.

Add a new layer.

With your dropper tool, select a color for your text.
I used #252C51.
Make it your background color and set the foreground to null.

Click on your text tool and add the text.
I used DJ Doodlers font,size 28.

Position the text with the mover tool
Then use the SHIFT KEY + D to duplicate the image 4 times.
You will have a total of 5 images

Merge visible on one of the images and save as a psp file.

Open your eraser tool. I used these settings:

On your next image, use the eraser tool and erase all the lettering except the word "I'm".

Go to Merge, Merge visible. Save as psp file.

On the next image, erase all the lettering except the word "A". Merge visible and save.

Continue with the other 2 images, doing them the same way, erasing a different word each time.

Merge visible and save each one.

Next, go to EFFECTS, 3D EFFECTS, BUTTONIZE with these settings:

Buttonize each of the images.

Now, on to the animation...

Page 2

This tut written by Sheila Blake on August 8, 2001.
My very first tut!

(Revised on July 5, 2002) Here is one that I did with a colored background: