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Sheila's Pen and Ink page2

If you are using the same image that I did, here is what I did:

Open the cowboy.psp file and add a new layer. Name it flesh.

Color the face and hands with #E3C7B5. Lower the opacity.

Add a new layer. Name it cheek.

For the cheek I used #E29E9E and added a gaussian blur of 7.

Add a new layer, name it mouth. Paint the mouth with the same color.
Add a gaussian blur of 2.

Add a new layer, name it hair.
Paint the hair with #7A350C. Lower the opacity.

Add a new layer, name it shirt.
Paint the shirt with #81A4CF. Lower the opacity.

Add a new layer, name it vest.
Paint the vest with #264160. Lower the opacity.

Add a new layer, name it buttons.
Paint the buttons with same color. Lower the opacity.

Add a new layer, name it kerchief.
Paint the kerchief with #820031. Lower the opacity.

Add a new layer, name it dots.
Paint the dots on the kerchief with white #FFFFFF. Lower the opacity.

For the guns, I selected them with the lasso tool and just added an inner bevel.
Metallic preset.

Then go to layers, merge, merge visible. Save as a psp file.

Here is an example of my opacity levels.

If you are still with me, lets go make the background.


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