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Sheila's Pen and Ink page3


Open new image 300 x 300 (or size to fit your image).

Click on your image to make it active.

Type shift + D to make a copy of your merged image.

Minimize your copy. Select your minimized image as a pattern fill and flood fill your new image.

Go to effects, reflection effects, kaleidoscope.

Then go to effects, reflection effects, pattern.

Next, go to effects, geometric effects, spikey halo

Next go to effects, texture effects, mosaic glass.

Now add a new layer, move to bottom of layer palette,
and flood fill with color desired.
I used #97ABC3. Layers, merge, merge visible.

Activate your merged image and go to edit, copy.

Then activate your background image and go to edit, paste as new layer.

On your color palette, make your foreground layer any color
and your background layer null.

Next use your draw tool and draw a line
where you want your text to go.

Select the color you want for your text and make it your
background color, with your foreground null.

Click on your text tool and hold your mouse on the line until the cursor changes to an A. Type in your text and click ok. Don't worry if it isn't exactly where you want it.
We can move it later.

Go to effects, 3D effects, drop shadow with these settings:

Add a new layer and move it below the floating layer.

Selections, select none.

Now delete the layer with the line on it.

Click on your mover tool and move the text where you want it.

Now click on the layer with your image and add the same drop shadow to it.

Activate your crop tool and crop the image as desired.

Go to layers, merge, merge visible.

Now we can add a border to our tag.

Make your background color white then go to image, add border, use the settings below.

Click on the border with your magic wand tool, tolerance and feather 0.

Go to effects, 3D effects, inner bevel and use the metallic preset.

Selections, select none.

Add another border changing the size to 10.

Flood fill this border with color of your choice.

Then go to effects, plugin filters, greg's factory outlet II, pool shadow.

Selections, select none.

(You could just add the same inner bevel to this layer if you want and skip the pool shadow).

Add another border, changing back to size 4.

Apply the same inner bevel and then select none, save as jpg file and your are done. Whew!

Resize your image if desired remembering to sharpen after resizing.

Another example:

Started with this

Results after coloring

Results with background.

Thanks so much for trying this tutorial.

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