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You will need: PSP7

Scarecrow Zip
The zip file contains the selections you need to create this scarecrow.
Unzip to a folder or into PSP's selections folder.

Open new image 400 x 600.

Set your foreground color to E9C2B5 and your background color to BD6C0D.

Add a new layer. Selection, load from disk, 001 left foot.

Flood fill with E9C2B5. Airbrush with BD6C0D. Here are the settings:

Just click a few times with the airbrush,
you want it to cover fairly good but not completely.

Then go to effects, texture effects, blinds and use these settings:

Then go to selections, select none.

Next use your retouch tool set to smudge with these settings:

Smudge the area up just a little, but mostly go down with the smudge brush.

Add a new layer. Load the next selection, 002 right foot and complete it same as for the left foot.

Add a new layer. Now load selection 003 pants.

Flood fill with color of your choice. I used #77A9E4.

Now move in towards the selected area with your airbrush, same settings
and use a darker color to airbrush all around the pants to shade them. I used 3969E4.

Also, click inside the selected area with your lighter color here and there to blend the two colors.

Also airbrush a dark spot on the right knee area.

Deselect, then go to effects, noise, add 4% uniform.

Set your selection tool to elipse.

Here are the settings:

Make a selection similar to this example:

Airbrush toward the selection in the zipper area just a little.

It should look similar to this example. So that there is just a hint of a zipper.

Add a new layer. Load selection 004 left pant cuff.

Flood fill with BD6C0D. Keep it selected and use the rope tube that comes with PSP set scale at 75.

Drag the tube tool across the selection two times,
making a row at the top and a row at the bottom.

Selections, select none. Add a new layer.

Load the selection 005 right pant cuff and repeat same as for the left pant cuff.

Add a new layer and load selection 006 bottom undershirt left.

Flood fill with E9C2B5, airbrush, blinds and smudge same as you did for the feet.

Add a new layer, load selection 006 bottom undershirt right.

Repeat as for the left side.

Add a new layer, load selection 007 left hand.

Flood fill with E9C2B5. Airbrush, blinds and smudge same as you have been doing

except change the blinds direction to horizontal and smudge sideways.

Add a new layer, load selection 008 right hand and repeat as for the left hand.

Add a new layer and load selection 009 shirt.

Flood fill with color of your choice. I used FF740E.

Use your airbrush and color B24B00 to shade around the edges of the shirt.

Click inside the selection with your lighter color to blend.

Selections, select none.

Effects, noise, add 4% uniform.

Add a new layer. Load selection 009 shirt pocket.

Flood fill with your light color. Change the airbrush size to 25
and airbrush around the edge of the pocket.

Here again you can click inside the selection with your lighter color to blend.

Effects, noise, add 4% uniform.

Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow using these settings:

Repeat the drop shadow, changing the vertical and horizontal to -1.

Add new layer. Load selection 009 pocket lines. Flood fill with your dark color.

Add new layer. Load selection 010 collar.

Flood fill with color of your choice. I used the same colors as for the shirt.

Airbrush around selection with the darker color.

Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow. Same settings as before.

Vertical and horizontal 1, then do again changing to -1.

Selections, select none. Effects, noise, add 4% uniform.

Add a new layer. Load selection 011 inside shirt.

Flood fill with E9C2B5 then use the airbrush and color #BD6C0D to shade,
repeat the blinds and smudge just like before.

Be sure to change your blinds setting back to light from left top.

Then apply drop shadow same as before. 1 and then -1 for the vertical and horizontal.

Next go back to your shirt layer.

Airbrush a little of your dark shirt color around the straw (inside shirt layer).

Go back to the top of your layer palette and add a new layer.

Load selection 012 belt. Flood fill with E9C2B5.

Use your tube tool to apply the rope tube same as before. Selections, select none.

Add new layer. Load selection 013 left sleeve band.

Flood fill with #E9C2B5 and use your rope tube again.

Add a new layer. Load selection 014 right sleeve band.

Repeat as for the left sleeve band.

Add a new layer and load selection 015 hair. Do the hair the same way as the hands, being sure to change the blinds setting to horizontal.
Smudge sideways.

Add a new layer. Load selection 016 head.

Flood fill with #E9C2B5. Airbrush around the selection with D8947C to shade.
Change your airbrush size back to 55.

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow. Change vertical and horizontal to 0.

Selections, select none. Add noise 4% uniform.

Add a new layer and load selection 017 hat.

Flood fill with #D3BE97. Airbrush with #B79461.

Effects, texture effects, blinds.

Change size to 6 and color to #B79461. Setting should be on horizontal.

Repeat blinds changing setting to light from left top.

Airbrush edges again using color #9D7A49.

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow. Same settings.

Selections, select none. Add noise 4% uniform.

Add a new layer. Move this layer between the head and the hat.
Use the draw tool settings freehand, size1
draw some hair coming out of the hat, down onto the face.
I used the same color as for the other straw areas.

Ok, he's starting to shape up now.

Add a new layer and load selection 018 hat brim.

Flood fill with color of your choice. I used same colors as for pants.

Airbrush with your darker color. Change airbrush size to 25.

Selections, select none. Add noise 4% uniform.

Add new layer. Load selection 019 top button.

Flood fill with your choice of color. Airbrush to shade, changing to a darker color.

Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow. Change horizontal and vertical to 1.

Repeat drop shadow, changing horizontal and vertical to -1.

Add a new layer and load selection 020 bottom button. Do it the same way as the top button.

Load selection 020c button thread. Flood fill with black.

Add a new layer. Load selection 021 arm patch.

Flood fill with color of your choice. Use a contrasting darker color to airbrush.

I used color #C00000 for the fill and #6E0000 for the shade.

Apply the same drop shadows as before.

Add a new layer and load selection 022 left pant patch.

Repeat as for the arm patch.

Add new layer and load selection 023 right pant patch.

Repeat as for the arm patch.

Add a new layer.

Load selection 024 stitches and flood fill with black.

Selections, select none.

Add a new layer.

Load selection 025 eyes. Flood fill with black.

Selections, modify, contract by 1. Flood fill with white.

On the same layer, load selection 027 pupils. Flood fill with black.

Go to effects, 3D effects inner bevel, and apply the round preset.

Selections, select none.

Add a new layer, load selection 028 mouth. Flood fill with black and deselect.

Add new layer. Load selection 029b nose. Flood fill with D77775. Deselect.

Add new layer. Load selection 029 nose_shade. Flood fill with E19997.

Then go to effects, blur, gaussian blur, 2.

Add a new layer. Still using color E19997, airbrush the cheeks, change size to 35.

Just click on the cheek area about 5 times in the same spot,
then move to the other cheek and repeat.

Effects, blur, gaussian blur, 2.

Whew! Now we are ready for the crow.

Add a new layer. Load selection 030 beak. Flood fill with#EAAE3F.

Use the airbrush, size 20, to shade the edges with #C18215.

Deselect and add noise 4% uniform.

Add a new layer. Load selection 031 crow.

Flood fill with 404040, then shade with black, changing your airbrush size back to 55.

Use your selection tool, set to elipse and make a

selection on the tail similar to this:

Airbrush the selection with black. Change airbrush size to 25.

It should look something like this:

Deselect and add noise 4% uniform.

Add a new layer. Load selection 032 wing.

Flood fill and shade it same as you did the crow body.

Deselect and add noise 4% uniform.

Add a new layer. Load selection 033 crow eye.

Flood fill with black. Selections, modify, contact by 1.

Flood fill with white.

Load selection 034 crow pupil. Flood fill with black then go to effects,
3D effects, inner bevel. Apply the round preset.

As an afterthought, I decided to put eyelashes on my scarecrow.

Load selection 035 eyelashes and flood fill with black.

You are done!

Don't forget to save it.

Hope you enjoyed this tut!

Here are my results