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Tut Nut's Seasons Welcome Plaque

Seasons Welcome Plaque

I have wanted to do this one for a long time.
The idea for this one came from a book that I own.
I made one of these in wood a long time ago.

I think this would make a good splash screen
or could be used for your home page
because you could change it with the seasons.

You will need:

Paint Shop Pro

Heart Plaque Zip File

Your choice of the following:

These are psp files and are in black and white.
Your images will be much larger than what you see here.

You may also want to use the color palette below.

Right click and save to your computer.

Ok, now that you have everything you need, lets get at it.

Unzip your files and open Paint Shop Pro.

Open the color palette.

Open your sbheartplaque.psp

Add a new layer, name it background. Move to the bottom of your layer palette.

Flood fill with background color of your choice.

Go back to your original layer and add another new layer.
Name it text.

Click on the text tool and add text to your plaque.
I used Black Chancery size 48, foreground null and background black.
Floating and antialias checked.

Go to effects, 3D effects, inner bevel and apply the angled preset.

Next, click on your plaque layer. Go to effects, 3D effects, drop shadow.
Apply these settings.

(This image shows the house, not the plaque, but it is the same setting.)

Save as psp file. We will be back to this shortly.

Open the psp file of the design that you chose.
Click on the flood fill tool and flood fill
the various sections of the picture with colors of your choice.

For the Pilgrim, Santa, and Snowman:
Add a new layer and airbrush the
tops of cheeks and noses using the following settings:

Then go went to blur, gaussian blur, 12.

Also on the house, you may want to add some "flowers" to the window box.
Just use the paintbrush tool and add some dots, with these settings:

When you are finished coloring your image, go to image, resize.
Use the following settings:

Effects, sharpen, sharpen.

Edit, copy.

Highlight your plaque image.

Make sure you are on the top layer in your layer palette.
Edit, paste as new layer.
Move the image to the bottom area of the plaque.

Add the same drop shadow.

Save. Next go to File, export, as jpg file with an optimization setting of 1.

Now if you want to do another one, all you have to do is
delete the layer with your image.
Make a new image as above.
Copy and paste as new layer, add the drop shadow,
save and you're finished.

Have fun!