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I william Jones of Hungars parish Northampton County in Virginia being now sicke and weake in body but of perfect memory praised bee God doe make this my last Wil and testam. in manner and forme foll:
I doe make my loveinge wife Anne Joanes my whole and sole executrix of this my last will and tstam.t and after all my just debts beinge fully satisfyed I doe give and bequeath as followeth.
Impris unto my loveinge wife above sd all my lands wherever it lyes dureinge her natural lifek and after her decease unto such of my grandchldren now livinge as shee shall thinke fittinge to them and their heirs forever.
I doe also give unto my grandchildren now belonginge to Michaell Rickett 10 weanable calves m;ale and female the next summer after my decease tothem and their heirs. and if in case any of the aforsed children shall dye before they attaine to lawfull age than to be equally divided amongst the survivors.
I doe also give unto my 2 grandchildren belonginge unto Anthony Hodgkins deceased 10 calves male and female the second summer after my decease weanable to them; and their heires. And in case either of the 2 children die before they attaine to lawfull age then to the survivor and in case both should dye before they attaine to lawfull age then the sd calvesd with all their future increase devided to the children of above said Rickett no living to them and their heires.
I doe also give unto my grandchildren belonginge unto Symon Carpenter of Maryland March to them and their heires 10 weanable calves the third yeare after my decease. and if in case any of the sd children dye before they attaine to lawfull age then to the survivors and their heirs.
I doe also give the remaininge part of my estatae both movables and immoveables unto my loveinge wife Ann Joanes above sd unto the performance of which I have sett my hand the day and yeare above written....
i doe also give unto William Carpenter the sonne of the above said Symond Carpenter one mare now two years old and one horse how three yeare old unto him his heires.
Will. Joanes 

30th August 1699 proved Sept. 1, 1699 Northampton Co. court Order
book, 1664-7 #9 pg. 71