Last night I had the pleasure of being invited to the Fellowship of Christian Athlete's "Youth Explosion" and what a blessing it was. There were about 35 students and 15 adults present, but the most important participant in attendance was the Holy Spirit. We were welcomed to the meeting FCA President Patrick Brooks and opening prayer was offered by on of the chapter Chaplin's Shawn Bowman. The first Blessing came with the preformance of 4 young ladies from the Guyandotte Baptist Church doing a Mime presentation of two songs and a wonderful job they did. I wish I knew their names so I could acknowledge them. The second blessing came from a couple of songs preformed by Dollie Rollins. Dollie said she was very nervous but you couldn't tell it by here preformence. The third Blessing was a couple of young men who gave us a couple of songs. I know one of the boys names was Michael Goodson but I don't know the other's name. They did a tremendous job. The fourth blessing came from the message given to us by Coach "K", Tim Kennedy. Tim is a teacher at Westside and he told us he has only been preaching for 4 months and this was only the 5th or 6th message he has ever preached and he to was nervous. And once again the Holy Spirit took over and if Tim was nervous you sure couldn't tell from my seat. He started off with a "PEP" rally for Jesus. Give me a "J", give me a "E", give me a "S", give me a "U", give me a "S". What have you got "JESUS". The message centered around "Keeping your eyes on Jesus" Why do we get up in the morning "Jesus", why were we here "Jesus", who saves us "Jesus". Over and over Tim brought this point across. Another point in the message was being happy in what you are. Put a smile on that face. Nobody wants what you have if you are going around with a frown on your face and moaning and groaning woe is me. Be happy and show people that Jesus is the reason you are happy.
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At the conclusion to the message we had prayer for a student who requested prayer and all students and any adults that wanted came down front to pray and lay hands on this student. The end of the night came with song from another young lady who tried to sing all night long but the tape system wouldn't work for her. Satan wasn't going to win though and a "Boom" box was found to play her music for her and she gave us three wonderful songs finishing with a song titled "Four days late". She was the Fifth or Sixth Blessing I lost count. And one last Blessing was the testimonies of the students of how God has worked in their lives and how happy they were that they had Jesus. President Patrick Brooks ended the night thanking everyone for coming and inviting everyone back for a second night's meeting tonight. He also shared a vision of having the auditorium filled when they have their Spring meeting. Let's all pray for such a happening.
One last thing. A Big "Thank You" to the advisor to this group Coach Larry Mathis. He offered closing prayers and I am sure he is such an inspiration to this group of young adults. Without adult leadership such as him groups like this for the students would not be possible. God Bless you Larry.
An addendum to this article is that I don't profess to be a writer so if there are any mistakes (grammer or spelling) in it don't grade me to harshly. :-)