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Xena Convention 2004

First of all I need to thank the two people who made the possibility of going to the convention a reality for me. Katie Wilks and Kenni....if not for these two truely wonderful people I would have never gotten to go.Thank you both so much.

Friday: The convention started with a music video to Hudson Leick and then with her performing.She is absolutely one of the funniest people ever.Hudson signed autographs after her perfomance.
Next was a fan discussion about who was the real hero of the show and then some really great fan video's.
Then Alison Bruce took the stage...She seemed a little nervous to start, but she was great.
There was an auction and a silent movie by the Xenaversity.Then Missy Good took the stage.
Next a video salute to Ephiny and then Danielle Cormack took the stage.She was so wired and so funny.She is so full of energy.
Then video intro and Adrienne Wilkenson took the stage.She was so great.Afterwards Adrienne,Danielle,& Alison signed autographs.
There was a trivia competition and then more videos.
There was a happy hour that I did not go to so no info on that.

Friday Night: The Merry Muses of Melodia Show.It was hosted by Hudson Leick and featured Adrienne Wilkenson,Danielle Cormack,& Tim Omundson.They were all just absolutely amazing.These are not only talented actors/actresses....but they are very good singers as well.

Saturday: There was a charity auction to start the day off then more music video's.
Then Victoria Pratt took the stage.She was so lots of fun and looked really great.
Immediately following was Gina Torres who was also great.She also sang a song during her time on stage and was incredible.
Afterwards both Victoria and Gina signed autographs.
Steven Sears took the stage and shared the things he had saved over the course of Xena.I got one of his business cards...but he gave the audience a lot of stuff.
Katharine Fugate took the stage and gave an update on the Xena movie!!! (which is in court now).

Then a Gabrielle music intro......

Then Renee took the stage and put on a play for the audience called A One Woman Theatrical Performance!
She was absolutely amazing.I just can not put into words how wonderful it was to be there.
And as if that wasn't enough....when Renee was ready to start doing her Q & A session.........
Lucy Lawless made a suprise visit to the convention.She was dressed in disguise and sitting in the audience....the people there had no idea who she was.I was in the same room with Renee & Lucy!

After Renee and Lucy left there was a mini auction.
Then Bobby Hosea and Charles Mesure took the stage together and answered questions.They were both really great.They both signed autographs afterwards.

Saturday Night: The Dionysian Dance Party.It was a great time.

Sunday: There was a breakfast in which the stars volunteered their time to come to with a silent auction to benefit the James Ellis Foundation.
Unfortunately I had to leave to catch my plane right after the breakfast so I had to miss the rest of the convention.

I do have to say that I was very suprised at how nice and open the stars were.They would just talk to you like they have always known you.It was so amazing to be there and talk to them.To see my friends I have meet over the internet and make new friends.I have always wanted to go to one,but this is the first chance I have had to go....and I would say to anyone who is thinking about it....GO! Yes it is expensive.....but it is an experience that will last you a lifetime.

Unfortunately hardly none of the pictures I took turned out,but I will share the ones that did.(click on the pic for the full size pic)

This is the banner in the main hallway

This is Myself,Katie(Warrior's Hut),& Jane(Warrior's Soul)

This is Katie(Warrior's Hut),& Jane(Warrior's Soul)

This is Myself & Sharon(of Creations)

This is Myself and Norma(Xena Wannabe)

Next is an amazing young lady who made both of these costumes herself.She is only 17.Her name is Jillayne Xena Marie(yes Xena is really her middle name)

These are about all I was able to get out of 2 rolls of film.Big hint to future convention goers.....DO NOT use disposible cameras.