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Julia's pictures from CEDAR CITY!!!

Alright...these are pictures from when i went with the Shakespeare team to Cedar City...we had a blast as you can tell from the little "story" thingy..hehe i will tell you everybody's name..and they'll all be from Left to Right...alright? have fun and enjoy!!

Ok this is me in my full costume...BLAH!!
this is on Wednesday the night we perfomed for the parents
my hair was alot poofier but i had been sweating..those lights make you hot so my hair went.. flat..hehe oh this is in my house...hehe my mom was like "stand by the tree and pose"
so i was being silly and she took the picture! ack

ok at the top there is..Jessica...hehe
then middle row there is me, Aaron, Courtney, and RT
Then on the bottom there is Kim, Katie, and John...this is at the rest stop...
we were freezing! the sign we are standing by says "no animals aloud" hehe

this is Me and Aaron on the vending machines
they were COLD!!!

This is Jessica, Me, John, Katie, and Aaron
we're at the rest stop...freezing!!

This is me and Aaron and half of my dad at the
assembly thingy right when we got to the college

This is me...being a brat! hehe i look funny
thats in the assembly too..thats John's face in the back

This is Katie, Aaron, and me...on the stage waiting
for the people to come perform...we were bored and having fun!! hehe

This is me, Aaron, and Katie...hehe right after the picture before this one
silly gooses!!

MY SLIPPERS!!! which ones are they? hehe
ok..there is Courtney's foot, Emily's, Aaron's, Courtney's,
Emily's, mine, Aaron's, mine, Katie's and katie's! hehe we had fun!!

This is Aaron..hehe....

This is Chase and Matt being silly gooses....their so awesome!

This is at Wendy's....i'm standing on a chair taking the picture..hehe
there is on the left Kim, John eating my #6!!, where i was sitting, Aaron, Jessica, and RT
then on the right there is Katie, Emily, Courtney's head, Nichole, Nichole's moms head,
and Mrs. Anderson. i swear we scared the workers there hehe it was so funny!!!

This is Courtney and John...this was soo hillarious! This is right outside of Wendy's
ok Courtney looked like a slut in her costume and John looks like a prep so we did a
prostitude scene...and right when i took it a car drove by so it looked like John was
in a car and had stopped but the car got cut off...hehe oh well!!

hehehe then right after that we went back to the college and i took this picture of them..
well right when i was taking a picture of Courtney, John ran up and was in it...hehe
sorry it didn't turn out to well

ok this is on the bike rack...there is RT, Emily, Kim, Katie, John, Me, and Courtney
i was falling! Aaron took the picture...

ok this is Aaron, Katie, and me...on the last day right after the awards!
Aaron took the picture...hehe i look silly!

Ok this is Courtney not paying attion, Emily, and Me..cheesing it! hehe

This is John...i love this picture...holding RT's cane!

Ok...i have NO clue what i'm doing here!!! but this is Jessica, Me, and Emily
waiting for Emily's turn to perform with Kim!! lovely isn't it? hehe

This is me and John in the food court
He look funny..looks like he's going to puke or something! and i'm possing..hehe

This is me being the statue but you can't see the stutue....
do we like my Shakespeare shirt? hehe but my hat is the best!!!!!

John in the food court being mad i guess?!

This is Jared (he's in 10th) and me, and Jessica, and Aaron wearing
silly hats! hehe Aaron woar a mask because he didn't want people to know it was him..haha
