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Julia's weekend in Cedar City, Utah for Shakespeare!!

OH OK want to hear about CEDER CITY??? hehe up at 4:20 get in shower and get ready and go up to the school...everyone is there and i was even there early and like everyone was everyone is sitting in their cars cause it was FREEZING!!! and i'm jumping up and down and prancing and dancing and helping everyone who wasn't there already with their stuff i'm running around in my sweats and slippers...hehe so then its about 6...and we're off to CEDER and aaron in my dads truck...hehe and we're singing and dancing and eating spistashio's(sp) and drinking the one and only..DR. PEPPER...and aaron is like saying what he wants to get for his truck when he's 16....its this thing that you have the speaker outside your truck and the talky thingy on the inside and you like talk to the people outside..hehe its cool Tony has one...and he is saying all the stuff he is going to say to people that don't get out of his way...i was laughing soo hard it was hillarious!! i can't repeat what he said cause i can't say it like him! it was so fun! so then we get to the rest stop where we were planning on meeting everyone... and we all RUN to the bathrooms (those toilets were scary!!!) and we take pictures of us well...with my camera...and there were other people there...hehe and we started getting on the picnick tables and saying our i would say my line and john would say his and we acted like it was a romantic scene wasn't ya know its a scary scene?!?! hehe and we got a picture of me and aaron on the pop machines those things were COLD!!! and a picture of like me john aaron jessica and just a bunch of people...standing by the "no pets aloud" sign..hehe then we find out that our trash can blew out the back of the truck and all our props were in it....for the ensomble scene..the one i'm in....the trash can was our caldron cause we modernized it!! anyway so we get to CEDER CITY to the college and we have to get into our costumes but we haven't/couldn't check into our hotel i like put my suitcase on the ground in the parking lot and get out my costume..hehe and me and john get our costumes and jump into the van and get dressed while katie is behind the car doing the "put the shirt on over the shirt and take the other shirt off" thing...hehehe so we're all in our costumes....and we all run to the bathroom and do our make up...which took a while and we took up the WHOLE bathroom but we moved when people needed to wash their hands..i mean we had the curling irons the crimpers everything in there!! hehe so we get done and we put all our stuff in a stall and lock it and crawl under the stall door ...and i had the honors of doing because i was the shortest....then we go get our pictures taken....oh and before we got our pictures taken..while we were waiting we find out that Nicky's cousin had just min. ago!! he was my age (14) and he died of tonselitous...he was unconseious and they desided to take him off the machines cause he was off of them ya know? so Nichole and her mom were crying but it was ok cause it made her eyes red and it fits the part...hehe so after pictures the ensomble scene went on the grass and practiced.....then....we...oh we went to lunch...we all went to Wendy's and i got a #6 but didn't even eat it i gave it to John....i didn't eat the whole trip! i had no was weird...and my throat hurts so John ate my spicy chicken and my fries and...and i got pictures of us eating...and i think we were bugging the wendy's people cause we were loud!!! hehe and we scared them cause half of us were in our costumes with make up...hehe black make up...hehe then we went back to the college...walked around watched other scene's..then went to the hotel..checked on ALL our make up played around stuff like that...then went back to the college...performed...went back to the hotel and swam for a while....just played went to dinner at shoney's...i got a salad bar ate 3 bites and tahts it and ate a was gross...and i was trying all these new foods that were GROSS!! hehe then i got one of my dad's shrimps and made a 'ocean' on my was so cool it had a shrimp laying on the floor with tree's and brocli and carrets...hehe all these veggies hehe then we went back to the hotel and got ready for the dance...went to the dance....but it hadn't started so me and john went off by ourselves....just talking....and then we all met up again and walked this college girl home cause she was walking home over the free way over bridge thingy and we saw her house...walked back to the college to find courtney and Emily but they had already gone back to the hotel so we walked to the hotel....emily and courtney were pissed at us then we cleared everything up...all went to the dance together..and that was a blast i danced with Aaron like 3 times and chase and matt...BUT...see John didn't go...he was to tired so he stayed at the hotel..and while we were all at the dance Jessica left early and it was just her and him that were at the hotel and so jessica went in the boys room and john was asleep on his bed and so jessica layed down next to him in the same bed....and fell asleep!! not a good thing!! i mean i layed between john and aaron in their bed..but thats a diff thing cause i mean we're actually FRIENDS.....but jessica...and john? hehe and he didn't even know cause he was asleep me and aaron walked home cause i felt like i was going to throw up and he was bored so we walked home and by then everyone was back at the hotel and everyone was asleep in the boys room so aaron came in ours....called his dad told him he was ok cause his mom told him to call...and the whole time he's on the phone i got dressed....emily got dressed....katie got dressed....hehe he would put his hat over his face....humm then he left....and me and katie watched the brady bunch...then talked till 2...woke up at 7:30 the next morning went in the boys room while everyone but John got ready for their thing...went to mcd's got a egg mc muffin..gave it to aaron cause i couldn't eat it....went back to the hotel...and layed in aaron's spot and watched WCW with john...i do hate that show!!! hehethen after a while got up and got in the then everyone but me courtney and jessica were gone competing their first round.. so we got ready...watched mr. rogers and peewee hermen..WE GOT TO DO THE COUNT DOWN!!!!! hehe then we packed up the boys room and the other girls room put it all in my dads truck...and went up to the college and watched aaron and RT's 2nd round...they did so great!!!....then we played in the food court....took pictures played around went to the book store and got this cute poster that has a poem on it its called "why god made little girls" its way cute!! and aaron bought me a yellow pen...and i got 3 shakespeare shirts...and...we just were messing around....having emily's dad record us ....then went and watched Emily's and Kim's 3rd round...they did soo awesome!!! then we went to dinner...everyone on our shakespeare team...i got a was HUGE....i ate a plate of salad which was very good and one bite of the sandwhich and felt sick! i hated not being able to not eat it sucked!!! oh so we go to the awards thingy....and this girl....their ensomble team won 1st in their catagory and she was running down to the stage and her team mate was already on the stage and she went to jump onto his back and fell backward RIGHT on her was sooo scary they had parametics and had to take her to the hostpital on a stretcher...oh my gosh it was soo scary we were all praying and crying....even though we didn't know her...but we knew her team mate....and ya know what? john said we were pathetic because we were crying...and we always cry over everything..mean huh? argh..anyway so then we were so proud of ourselves and were outside getting ready to go home...and we were all crying and hugging and laughing at how stupid we looked....and screaming and jumping up and down.....and then we get in the cars and go to a gas the gas station...i swear everyone that went to the shakespeare comp. was in that gas i got a then we are all like at the van...looking at our scores and papers...and come to find of the ensomble (thats me) judges earased our Supriours and gave us fairs...there were 4 of them!! so we COULD OF won an award if they didn't earse them! i'm sooo mad so then all the girls in the ensomble scene were crying and john was pissed and wouldn't talk for a then we get in the cars and head home...i'm crying in the truck and was slouched ya know? and just layed there...and aaron was like "perk up" hehe....and so i was holding his hand we were talking about how good we did and why the hell that fat lady earsed our things....and then my dad and aaron started talking and i fell asleep on aaron's shoulder....then i don't know what happened cause i was sleeping...then aaron was trying to wake me up by rubbing my cheek heeh cause we had stopped and i wanted to get into my i run to the bathroom freezing my ass of i swear it was below 0!! it was soo good i was shivering soo bad i couldn't i get in the van and me chase john emily and courtney were all talking in there....then its time to go so me and katie get in the truck and i fell sleep on her and she fell asleep on the window....and we rode like that till the next gas station....hehe...humm then we were jumping up and down and being annoying at that gas station...then we got in the truck and i layed on her and she layed on the window and we went to sleep....then the seat belt was hurting her so i layed on my dad she layed on me and we went home!! fun huh?? we had a blast!!!

Go see my Cedar City pictures!!