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My Family

ok just a little about my family...ok..i have a mom!! her name is Lianne (pronouced LeeAnn) and i have a dad! (amazing...he is a ASSHOLE!!) his name is Micheal...then i have 2 halfbrothers..Josh is 22 and Lucas is 21..the both live in Hawaii, then there is me..i'm 14...hehe..then Robbie he is 12! then John..he is 8..then Kjarsti (pronouced Car-sty) she is 5! hehe umm that is my whole family! just a little about them!

MOM: loves to joke around with me, we both love to talk about my dad (its fun! hehe) she likes talking on the net too! she is WAY cool! everyone loves her that knows her! she is more like a teenager more than an adult..well i mean she likes to play aroud but when it comes to serious stuff she is there for you!! me and her have good talks! we are good friends! umm oh my mom has blonde hair green eyes and is 5'6!!

DAD: he is the biggest jerk!! want to know more..just ask *smiles* hehe...oh he has dark brown hair that is going grey..hehe..uh brown eyes i think?!?! and is 5'4..short little asshole..he is 52 too..OLD little asshole

ROBBIE: hehe..he is such a cutie when he isn't in one of his moods! he has to take ridalin (sp?) and tons of other meds for his hyper activity and when he doesn't take that he FLIPS out..for example: the other week he broke the remote on John's head, kicked my mom in the jaw, thrashed the house, hurts the little kids (he doesn't touch me unless i get myself involved) brakes things, screams, calls my mom names like bitch..ect ect ect...and plenty more! but he has long (not LONG long but like an in. above his shoulders) hair and its shaggy, he has green eyes and he is 5'!! the little punk is so damn cute!! me and him have bonded, faught, had good and bad times! its just apart of life! he is a pretty good brother but to tell ya the truth..i hate it guts at times! but love him at the same time! hehe..he has been in the hospital 3 times..

JOHN: ok john..he is a cutie!! he thinks he is the coolest person alive! he takes ridalin (sp?) and tons of other meds too!! he is very hyper active just like Robbie! umm he is like 4'6 somewhere around there..he has BLONDE blonde hair and blue eyes..they might be green but i'm not sure..hehe...John loves to beat up Kjarsti..and try to beat up Robbie..and sometimes me and him get in fights (those are fun cause i just sit there and he is trying ti beat me up..*giggles*)

KJARSTI: umm..everyone says she is "cute" but she BUGS me so bad!! but i know that when she gets older we are going to be pretty good friends..she is of course she bugs me!! hehe...but she has a cute face! but ya know whats weird?!! i looked exactly like she does now..when i was little! OO spooky!! hehe umm she copies me on everything! she loves yellow and glitters! but other than that...she's cute..hehe

JOSH & LUCAS: don't have a clue about them! they lived with me in Cali till i was 5..and they moved to Hawaii and i moved to Utah...we have visited them a few times...but other than that..nope..hehe..i know that they surf!! and they are pretty good! their mom died...and so they were kinda living with their grandpa but hated him...and they got into drugs and shit...but all my cousins that are older tell me that they are cute! their mom is philapino (sp?) so..hehe...yeah

Picture of the kids...first is Robbie then Kjarsti then John (its kinda an old pic....and john looks stupid!!)
Picture of my mom...i think she is pretty!
This is Robbie this year!
This is my mom in her friend's house

This is my dad in Cedar City...

hey um...can i go HOME?
