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Friends are the BEST!!

Alright i have tons of GREAT are just some links to some of their pages!

(if you have a page that you want up here just e-mail me! thanks)

Katie's Page!! love her so much! one of my bestfriends friends!
Simon's Page.. he is one of my bestfriends too!
Jim's Page (go to "COOL") Jim is one of my bestfriends too!
Samantha's Page one of my bestfriend!! love her! she is so cute!
Stacey's bud! love her!
Frank's Page..oh love him too..he is like a brother to me!
Darcy's Page...he is awesome! love him
Mai Mai's Page...i love her!!! she is so cool!!!
Em's Page...she is so awesome!! loves her too!!
Yan's awesome page! love him tons too!
Christine's awesome page!! she is so cute! love her so much!
Shannon's Page! shan is so awesome!! love her
Ethan's Page! he is way cool!!
Anna's Page! she is so cute!
Trey's Page!! he is soo cool!! (his accent is soo funny i always tease him)
Jason's Page! he is so awesome!!
Anna's page! She is such a cutie!! loves her!
My brother, Robbie's page!
Whitney's page! she is a cutie!!

Some Friends...

Jenniffer, Kayce, Katie, Libs, Simon, Bradley, Wendy, Mandy, Racheal, Kathryn(katie-diff kathryn hehe) Peter, Kristen, Dani, Cerria, Heather, Shaun, Christine, Jim, Stacey, Samantha, Mai Mai, Frank, Shannon, Ethan, Trey, Jason and there is probably TONS more i'm sorry if i forgot you!! oh and these aren't going in order to who i like more....ok? hehe..

Just a little about my friends

(i'll add everyone!! i promise its just going to take a while!)

Jenniffer - ok Jenn is one of my BESTEST friends!!! she is just the best! Love her so much!! (she doesn't have the net but i still have to tell about her) she loves to dance and is REALLY good at it!! she is 13! she does cheer!! she made freshman cheer for next year! i should know i was there when they came at 5am to take her out to brakefast..argh..hehe but i stayed home and slept! has blonde hair!! blue eyes 5' and i think she is REALLY pretty!! she is! (i am going to get pics of my friends up here one of these you can see them!) she loves Dr.Pepper just like me! her sis Cindy and her almost brother-in-law Tony (they are basicly my sis and bro too!! ) they are just the best! Cindy is pregnant..due Sept 2! she is having a boy (even though she wanted a girl!! but tony wanted a boy) hehe...and she is naming i him Dillian Eugen (i think thats how you spell his middle name?!?!) yeah Tony loves to tease me, sit on me and tickle me when i have to pee or just woke up, he calls me Jules..thats where i got that nickname...yeah anyway...Jenn, Cindy, Tony, Linda, and Steve (jenn's mom and dad) are just all the best!!! loves them soo much!!

Kayce - she is awesome! (ok me, jenn, and kayce are like the real world!! we do everything together! well almost now that i moved) but kayce...she is 14! she was on cheer last year..but couldn't do it this year cause she had her gal bladder taken out of her belly button the day before! and the day of try-outs was her birthday! sad huh? yeah! she has light brown hair, brown eyes, 5'1 1/2 she is almost taller than me and i used to be taller! gosh..hehe kayce is on the swimteam now! and getting better and better!! umm...when me, jenn, and kayce get together with Dr pepper you can not control us!! seriously we are SOOO hyper!! hehe (jenn and kayce live where i just moved from) umm oh Kayce is like WAY smart!! she is like going to make TONS of money when she is older! she is soo smart (unlike me and jenn...hehe me and jenn are blonde and we know we are stupid...uh-oh i'm going to get my butt kicked by katie and simon now for saying that..sorry guys!) anyway....

Katie- Katie is sooo cool!! she is like the coolest person in the world!! if there was a "coolest person award" she would soo win! i kid you not my friends! but other than being the coolest person in the world, she's also the sweetest. believe me! she's so sweet she makes honey look evil. (even though she erased her little paragraph that was here before as a joke. but i suppose that doesn't make her any less sweet) she lives in ohio. she's about 5'4"(or so she says), 350lbs,(oh did i say 350?? i meant 35lbs of course.)and she has light brown hair and dark brown eyes. she really really hates those new 20 dollar bills. she says "they look like a 3 year old designed 'em." ok. i think i'm done here, if you want to know more about my katie just look at her picture on my friends picture page and look at her little dedication page i made.

Libby - Libs is so awesome!! she is soo cute!! everyone who knows her loves her! she is soo nice and cares about everyone!! she is the one that got me into swimteam! she is sooo good at swimming!! she can beat my butt!! hehe..well she has brown hair, hazelish eyes, i think she is 5'8....and just the cutest!! oh and loves Lisa! Libs mom! lisa is soo awesome! she is like another mom to me! love her! Libs lives in PG too... Libs loves to do everything!! we hang out all the time!! she is soo sweet!! hehe...well can't say anything else but I love Libs!!

Simon - Simon...Love him!! he is so sweet, caring, cute, sexy, his vioce is so cute! oh and his laugh! i love his laugh! he is always there for me whenever i need him...or don't need him...He is soo funny and cute!! he has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and about 5'4 - 5'5! he is so nice!! he is always there for anyone and just the best! he understands everyone! hehe...he loves to play sports! like rugby...and..umm...sports! hehe...He is so sweet! i love Simon!

Wendy - Wen is soo awesome!! she is the cutest! she is so funny!! she has the best personality!! she is on swimteam too!! she is so good!! Love Wendy! ok at lunch for a whole week she would bring her "table cloth" that was YELLOW checkered!! and it just covered enough space for her..not the whole table..but and she would just set it out..oh it was so cute!! and she would make this dinosaur thing with her hand..and walk up to my Dr.Pepper or someone's food and talk to it...oh it was soo funny!! and she collects those sex's things you get off pop cans you know? and when she would get one she would scream "I GOT A SEX!!!" oh man she is the cutest!!! she has brown hair, brown eyes, umm about 5'5 - 5'6..i think..or around there!! oh Wendy is the cutest!!

Mandy - Nana is soo cute!! she is so nice! and guess what..she is moving TOMORROW!! to vegas!! how mean huh? well she is going to go live with her dad in his HUGE house cause her mom is a BITCH! hate her mom! and her step dad is CRAZY! he scares me!! but her dad is so cool!! well i was going to go down to Vegas with her today (cause she was going to more today but she is going down tomorrow) and help her move in...and we would have the whole house to ourselves! acckk cool! hehe...well Mandy has like auber hair, hazel eyes, 5'8.. and i think she is so pretty!! and i LOVE her hair!! she went to my school here in Spanish..but she lives in Salem..Salem is a WAY small city right next to yeah..Love Mandy and i'm going to miss her a TON!!!

Jason is soo hillarious!! he is an awesome friend! me and him put together a space ship and glitters all over it to go save katie in ohio from the tornatoes!!AND IT WORKED!! it was awesome! we are an awesome team!! he is soo funny!! and so fun to talk to! he lives in Cali..he is 5'2 or 5'3 has brown eyes, a lot of people say he has beautiful eye lashes, whatever that means. he's sorta tan, has a buzzed head, you know, shaved real short, his hair is brown, and he's slender and kinda cut (in the sense that you can see his muscles when he flexes, not just some unshapen blob) yeah he told me to put that *lol* cutie huh?


This guy is one weird guy!!You never know what he will say next. We use to talk all the time untill one night he just disappeared!! weird!! i know!! He is so cool though. If you ever meet him then you would know what i am talking about. He is one of my best friends of all time i mean he just kills me with all his funny jokes!!!!! he is so handsome as well. He lives a ways away though. In North Carolina! He is 5'5 blond hair brown eyes. Always wears weird stuff but he is cool. You should visit his friends site. He is really smart too. A GENIOUS!!! Everyone needs to get to know him because he is the BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST!! Just watch out for him. DID I MENTION HE WAS HANDSOME!!!

I didn't write that! About Brad! *lol* he did! he came on my page and did that! hehe...

The Circle...

A ball is a circle,
No beginning, no end.
It keeps us together
Like our Circle of Friends
But the treasure inside
for you to see
is the treasure of friendship
You've granted to me.

My Sister Is...
Someone who helps me find my smile.
Who accepts me for what I am.
who lets me know that my efforts
really are worthwhile, and that
my accomplishments are worthy ones.
She lets me know that she will
catch me if I fall. She's so much
more wonderful than she will admit
to being. She watches out for me
and helps me through it all...

My Sister Is...
A person who is great to have around.
She's someone who laughs at my jokes
(maybe because she has the same warped
sense of humor!) and she understands
the times when I need a shoulder to cry
on. She is there for me in the exact
same way that I will always be there
for her. Our friendship will always
remain, our love will never depart.

My Sister Is...
Deserves to know that even though I
don't always get a chance to show it,
she is absolutely essential to the
happiness... that lives within my heart.
--Ann Turrel

Take me HOME please?
