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Julia's stupid page that sorta has a point!

Hey!! yeah this is my page!! Enjoy and come back soon!! and sign my guestbook please! Thank you!


Some Rosie pictures and stuff!!

Somethings about me!
A Little About My Friends!
My Family!
My Pictures!
Things That I Love!
Friend's Pictures!
Simon's Poetry!
Mystery Person!
Random Poems!
Julia As A Little Julia!
Verleen and Vidalia Hominy!
Julia's weekend in Cedar City for Shakespeare!

Hey! Thank you to everyone who has/are helped me with this page! Thanks to Katie, for helping me on making ever single link page (except Chris made one! Thank you!) because i don't know how to do it *smile* and if i can't figure out why a link isn't working then she fixes it and still helps me with codes...Thanks so much! and thank you to Stacey for scanning ALL my pictures that needed to be scanned! or re-scanned or whatever! and when i first got my page i had NO CLUE how to do it so she would help me on codes and colors and stuff! thank you!! and Christine for letting me "steel" some of her backgrounds and poems! and helping me on codes hehe it took us a while to figure this thing out....but we did it...TOGETHER! hehe and thank you everybody else! cause i know i ask about everyone to go "check out my page" to see if it looks ok! Huge thanks!! hehe *hugs* oh and Thank you Anna for the awesome flower thing with YELLOW butterfly's! its so cute! Thanks Anna! Love all you guys! thanks for being my friends! hehe now i sound cheesy...oh well..kay..hehe
Thanks to The Widow's Designs for some of my backgrounds!!

GUESS WHO I MET on 7-15-98?!?

I met Jim!! Jim is like one of my bestest friends from the net!!! it was so awesome!! i'm got my pics scanned their on my friends pictures page!! we had so much fun!!


"i am woman hear me roar numbers to big to ignore i am woman iam strong i am in vinsable i am woman"

NEW!! advice for YOU!!

Just click there...e-mail me...and i'll give ya some advice!! i'll try my best!!

Please sign my guestbook! hehe..and sign Sam's and Katie's too! thank you *smiles*

This No Lives Club site owned by Julia.
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I had to get a new can everyone sign it again please? Thank you!

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Last Updated: 11-30-98!!