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The Shining Movie Trivia

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Who originally wrote "The Shining"?

What is the interviewer's name?

Where is his office,according to the desk clerk?

What is his secretary's name?

Who joins them during the interview?

What is Danny eating in his first scene?

Who is "Tony"?

What does Danny do when he speaks with "Tony"?

What was Jack's occupation?

What does Jack do now instead?

What time frame is the hotel usually open?

What is the hotel's name?

How much snow does the mountain get on average(in feet)?

How long is the road to the hotel?

According to Jack,what could the hotel and its area be good for?

When was the hotel built?

When was the hotel completed?

Where is Jack and his family from?

Who killed his family with an axe,stacked them in a room,and then blew his brains out?

What is Danny doing before he passes out at home?

Where does "Tony live?

Where does "Tony" hide?

When is Jack getting home from the interview?

According to Jack,what types of movies does Wendy like?

Where does Jack live now?

How did Danny dislocate his shoulder?

How long has it been since Jack drank alcohol?

According to Wendy in the car,what feels different?

According to Jack,who became cannibalistic to survive?

Where did Danny learn about cannibalism?

What is the name of the room where Jack writes?

What indian tribes were the paintings and sculptures done by?

What is Danny playing in the game room?

How high are the hedges of the maze(in feet)?

What was the hotel built over?

What vehicle is in the hotel garage?

What color is the ballroom?

How many people can the ballroom hold?

What is the chef's name?

What is Wendy's first real name?

What is Jack's last name?

What is Danny's favorite food?

What is Danny's nickname?

What is Danny's favorite flavor of ice cream?

When will everybody be gone from the hotel?

Who coined the term "shining"?

What room were the dead bodies of the caretaker and his family found?

When does Wendy wake Jack up?

How does Jack like his eggs?

What does the loser of Wendy and Danny's race to the maze have to do?

What does Jack throw against the wall of the lounge?

According to the tv,who went missing for 10 days in the woods?

What does Danny ride on through the halls?

What room does Danny try to get in?

What is Jack's new rule?

What is the code number for the radio at the hotel?

What is the code number for the sherriff's office?

How long do the twins want Danny to play with them?

What does Danny want to get from his room?

Which leg does Danny sit on when his father calls him over?

What does Jack love more than anything else in the whole wide world?

What is Danny playing with in the hall?

What does Wendy check everyday?

Who starts screaming in his sleep when Wendy is doing her rounds?

Where does Jack go after being accuseed of hitting Danny?

What would Jack give for a beer?

What is the bartender's name?

What liquor does Jack order from Lloyd?

Lloyd is the best bartender from where to where(according to Jack)?

When did Jack dislocate Danny's arm?

Who did Danny say tried to strangle him?

What channel is the weather report on?

Who is the news anchor?

What are the pictures of hanging above the chef's tv and bed?

What does the naked young woman turn into?

According to Jack,who hurt Danny?

The radio dispatcher tells the chef to call back in how many minutes?

What drink does Jack order the 2nd time around?

What is spilled on Jack?

Who spills it on him?

According to the waiter,who is Danny trying to bring in the situation to interfere?

Who tried to burn down the hotel?

What words does Danny start screaming?

Who can't wake up?

Who dismantles the radio?

What airline does the chef go to Denver on?

What time does it get to Denver?

According to the sign in the office for Larry's garage,what oil is "right for your car"?

What airport is the chef at?

How long,by car,should the chef get to Larry's garage?

What are the radio station's call letters playing in the chef's car?

What cartoon is Danny watching in the hotel?

What weapon does Wendy carry with her "first"?

What is written on all the papers in the lounge?

Jack works at the hotel until when?

Jack "doesn't" want to hurt Wendy.What "does" he want to do?

Where does Wendy drag Jack to?

What is the 2nd weapon Wendy picks up?

Who broke the Snowcat?

Who lets Jack out?

Danny writes a word in lipstick on the door.What does the word say when reflected in the mirror?

What nursery rhyme/fable does Jack recite while he's breaking down the door?

What hand does Wendy slice on Jack?

Jack sticks his head in the broken space in the door and says what?

What leg does Jack drag?

What stopped Jack from killing Wendy in the room?

Where does Danny hide?

A man dressed in an animal suit is performing oral sex.What animal is the suit of?

Where does Danny lead Jack to?

In the most famous scene of the movie,what does Wendy witness come out of the elevators?

What does Wendy find in the ballroom?

How does Danny lose Jack?

What is the name of the mental illness brought on by isolation?

Who directed and co-scripted the screenplay for "The Shining"?

How does Jack die?

What date was the black and white photo taken in the end?

What heading does "not" appear in "The Shining"?
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