Queen Latoyle Swiftwind

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Deciding you'd like to see the Queen of Cats, Rockhopper motions you to follow him, a smile on his face. He leads you on a path through a forest. You gaze at the trees as you walk along. Rockhopper sees you admiring them.
"This forest is called DreamWood. It's name fits it for it makes you want to go find a place in the sun and enter the dream world. Come along now."
Quite a few other cats of varous colors, shapes, and sizes are also scurring around. A few nod a greeting to Rockhopper while Rockhopper calls out greetings to some of his friends.
"Nre'fa-o Whitetip!" Rockhopper calls out to a black cat with a white tip on his tail. Whitetip sees Rockhopper and smiles while nodding politly.
Soon, you reach an enterance to a building. The building, which is rather huge, is an ivory white with pilars surrounding the enterance. Rockhopper leads you inside and to a small room where a few other cats are waiting patiently to see the Queen.
Looking out through a doorway where there is no door, you see a very large room. in the middle of the room is a very small pillar-type thing with red cusions on top. Sitting on the throne is a very slender and graceful looking white cat. The cat groom her fore paw as she listens carefully to a young cat that is speaking to her.
Besides the shining cat are two larger cats sitting down that are all black. You can tell that the strong and bold cats are twins.
Once in awhile, the white cat nods her head. She stops grooming and then says something to the young cat that you can not hear.

The young cat then bows and scurries away. Rockhopper leaves you and walks over to the Queen. He bows and speaks to her. The white fela (which means female) gazes at him with her soft eyes. Saying something to Rockhopper, he rises and then walks back over to you.

"You are able to see Queen Swiftwind now"
Rockhopper nudges you and you walk in front of the Queen. She cocks her head slightly and watches you. Bowing before her, you wait for her to speak.
"You may rise" she says in a sweet singsong voice. Getting up you admire the delicate beauty.
"I am Queen Latoyle Swiftwind; Queen of all the Folk. What bring you here? If you just wanted to see me then you have seen me. If that was all you desired, then I'm sure Rockhopper will escort you. Good dancing and journeying"

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