Join The Cat's Eye

Join The Cat's Eye

Queen Latoyle Swiftwind

Queen Latoyle Swiftwind nods her head as you tell her that you wish to join.

"Very well then. Now, I shall go over the rules. they are quite simple no matter how many there are."

The Rules

1. You need to have an e-mail address. You can get one at or for free. I reccomend yahoo. You must be able to recieve attachments. I'm not sure if hotmail allows this.
2. You must obey and accept me as your Queen. I do not ask for much at all and I am fair and nice. I will help you with anything that I can help you with and I will also listen to your problems.
3. You must not change the face name that I give you.
4. You can not find your tail name right away. You may not even be able to find it out at all!
5. You must be nice and respect to the other members.
6. No swearing or porn. Or spam mailing.
7. Don't choose a long heart name please! Something short and sweet, nothing that's like, 15 characters long! Waaay too long.
8. By joining, you agree you will participate. There is somewhat of a commitment but believe me, it will be fun.

"Now then, those aren't so bad. Still want to join? Well, if you do you must pick a heart name. A heart name is a name that a mother gives their children at birth. If you are going to play the child of one of the members, then your mother should have told you your heart name and you can't change it. Also, another thing about heart names is that it can't be something like Broken Heart. It has to be something unusal, no human or pet names. be creative! Pick something more like Feyrn or something. If you do pick a human/pet/Broken Heart name, I will have to ask you to change it.

Now that you have a heart name, you must email me at with your heart name and email address. Then, you must wait for three days untill you are given a face name by me. After three days, you must email me with at least one paragraph of yourself playing. You can be doing anything, sleeping, daydreaming, hunting, playing with other kittens. After that, I shall give you your face name. Now then, that shouldn't be too hard. Good dancing to you now!" Queen Swiftwind turns to leave but then stops.
"One more thing, here's a link to a chat room that you may go a 'play' your cat as but I recommend the message board. It's called t1. I will be there myself sometimes but mostly I'll be at the message board. If you are there and I'm not, I still may be there. Below will be the link to the message board, if you DO want to go to the chat room, then read on below the link to the message board."


Now, Where it says: 'Select a handle:' , type in: your name here ~female cat~ or ~male cat~. Or you could copy and paste this.

<center>YourCatNameHere<center>~your gender or any other info here~<center>

Kinda confusing. If u have any questions just email me. Also, where it says: "select a room" and then it says "bar", where it says "bar" type in 'horse'. Mostly horses will be chatting there but make some friends! No fighting with the horses or humans though! That's about it"

T1 Chat
