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Stars Race Files and Description

Below area list of Races and Race Description that I have made or have made base on races in the books I have read. By click on the Name of each race you can download each in self extracting Zip or all the races from a Book by Clicking on the link at the end of each Books Section Or download them all at the end of the Page. Feel free to change them as  you wish

Non-Book or movie Races:
Name: FireBirds
Size: Like that of a Eagle But twice as big
Mass: Like that of a Eagle But twice as big
Appearance: Looking Like the Mystic Bird of Fire Phoenix except with Feather, The Race is Small, don't have hand yet are empathy, and have other Mental powers that make Hand Obsolete.

Culture: A race of Peace Lovers, they love every race they meet right off and
Consider them as Brothers and Sisters. While Peace Loving They can be very
aggressive when Their Fellow Races or themselves are in danger. The Are Called
FireBirds by other races because the are Immune to Radiation

Racial Goals:  To become friends with everyone.
Type of Government: Empire
Head of State: Emperor Tokka
Other Individuals: None
Earthly Ambassador: Emperor StarTrek Man Of the Shadow Realm

Book Name: SpaceHounds of IPC
Author: E.E. "DOC" Smith

Races in Book :

Name: Martian
Size: Eight Feet tall
Mass: Extremely Massive.
Appearance: Human in shape since they are of human stock, They have Rubbery. leathery  Skin made to keep all heat a moisture in. 4 pairs of Eye Lids. only wear cloths when with other races that wear clothing.

Culture: No much know about their Culture because they are a very spread out across their planets.

Racial Goals: Survival
Type of Government: none
Head of State: none
Other Individuals:
Earthly Ambassador: Emperor StarTrek Man Of the Shadow Realm

Name: Venerians
Size: Human size
Mass: Human Mass
Appearance: Of Human Stock Thin skin without pigmentation, live on super cloudy worlds like their Old home Planet Venous, 2nd planet of the Sol solar system

Culture: Ariganal from Venus, Very socially

Racial Goals:
Type of Government:
Head of State:
Other Individuals:
Earthly Ambassador: Emperor StarTrek Man Of the Shadow Realm

Name: Space Hounds
Size: Depends on race
Mass: Depends on race
Appearance: Depends on race

Culture: The Space Hounds are humans and other alien that Love space most on StarShip, preferring to live in space. Most will also live on Uncivilized planets. Their Planet are mainly just for resources and Energy production. While they a socially they aren't super socially, preferring to stay with their fellow crew members. Adventure secirs.

Racial Goals: To explore new world and Survive.
Type of Government: None
Head of State: None
Other Individuals: None
Earthly Ambassador: Emperor StarTrek Man Of the Shadow Realm

Name: Callistonian
Size: Human size
Mass: Human Mass
Appearance: Human Stock. Use to lower the Normal Human Gravity.

Culture: The Callistonians are a very socially and are good at hiding. Their ship are very Hard to find. They Prefere Non-ram scoop engines But have both.

Racial Goals: To survive and Explorre
Type of Government: A Councal rules their people
Head of State: None
Other Individuals: None
Earthly Ambassador: Emperor StarTrek Man Of the Shadow Realm

Name: Titanians
Size: Human size
Mass: Human Mass
Appearance: Human Stock. They live only on very cold planets, the melting point of ice is like that of steel to humans, even at the heat they need Protection of some kind.. They are almost total translosent.

Culture: Like most of the Human Stock they are very social.  They live in large city Mostly. Very good a weapons and stealth.

Racial Goals: To survive
Type of Government: A Councal rules their people
Head of State: None
Other Individuals: None
Earthly Ambassador: Emperor StarTrek Man Of the Shadow Realm

Name: Hexan
Size: depends on stock
Mass: about that of a human
Appearance: Like big 8-legged Ants. They have three eyes and ears. Heart Shaped Heads. WHils a little slower then Normal glowing they can live onn almost all enviroments.

Culture: Total War like. Attack all speacies they incounter. Refuse to talk about peace or treats.
Live in colonys just like ants do.

Racial Goals: To survive and distroy all ohter beings
Type of Government: Unknown
Head of State: Unknown
Other Individuals: Unknown
Earthly Ambassador: Emperor StarTrek Man Of the Shadow Realm

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