The Wyrm Guardian
YAHOO NAME: StarFoxMcCloud
CHARACTER NAME: Eclairant, Rant, for short.
RACE: Wyrm
AGE: 372
ABILITIES: He can fly. He can also use magic to some extent, having most to do with ice and water. He can use his breathe to freeze things, or turn ice to water, or to make water evaporate.
DISABILITIES: Fire. He can not take too much of it, though, some. He fears fire, but can usually put it out in time, if he doesn't panic.
APPEARANCE: He is a really dark silver, almost black, but in pure sunlight, you can tell it is silver. He lookes like a giant snake with wings and two upper arms, only. He looks rather fierce, though, looks can be deceiving. His eyes are pure black, except for one small glimmer. His wings and scales are like a dragons, with a slight diamondy shape to them.
PERSONALITY: He is usually very nice, a gentleman type, but don't get him even ticked. He will fight physically over anything, even on another Guardian. He isn't afraid of killing, and is sometimes hard to control. He is also one stubborn being, but most wyrms are.