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Elvira's 3rd Journal

January 19, 2000

I decided I was going to get some help for my eating disorder. I saw my doctor and explained the situation to him and he was compassionate, gave me the understanding face and everything. The truth is I have symptoms of a hormone imbalance that may have caused me to gain a large amount of weight (that I have been unable to shed!) a couple of years ago. So, because of this I have to get all sorts of tests done, have a complete physical, etc. I'll also have to see nearly every health care professional in the city to get help, according to my doctor.

I'm starting to regret ever telling him what was going on but I was at the end of my rope. After writing for the AAI site I was able to see the words that expressed my feelings and it proved to be confirmation that I have some serious problems. Reading the other contributions on the site also acted as a wake-up call, I think. So, I went to see my doctor and spilled my guts. I've been meaning to do it for months. I've made appointments and just didn't show up or cancelled them. I couldn't bring myself to go through with sitting in front of doctors, psychologists, etc., trying to explain how I feel, going on and on and on about myself and my problems. To tell the truth, I hate doing that. I hate sitting there and droning on and on about what's going on inside. It's gotten to the point where I hate the sound of my own voice if I'm talking for any extended period of time.

But I took the jump, after nearly talking myself out of it, and went to see the doctor. Now I have to face a session with him every week, and possibly future sessions with a dietician, endocrinologist, and my psychiatrist (mental illness here...manic depression), sitting there and going on and on about myself. I'm beginning to regret my decision to get help because of that.

I also regret what I've done because I feel like I could have been stronger. I didn't want to ask anyone for help. I don't want to lean on anyone, ever. I always think I can do everything by myself. I wanted to control the food that goes into my body by myself and do it my own way. But I couldn't do it and I broke down and asked for help. I know it's a step in the right direction, what I've done, but somehow it feels like a mistake. I feel as though I shouldn't have told the doctor, that I should have kept it to myself and kept going, kept starving myself. He said it took a lot of courage to come and see him. He told me that I've already taken the first step in beating this. Did I really make any headway, though? I can't help thinking that I could have been stronger somehow, if that makes any sense. I know it's irrational but that's how I feel.

And tonight all I wanted to do was put my head in the toilet and vomit, cleanse myself, rid my body of everything I have put inside today. I don't want to eat anymore. It's getting harder to eat. I feel like if I start to eat normally again I'll fail, I'll gain weight and I'll be back where I started! 95% of me doesn't want to see my doctor again, to cancel my appointment for the physical in a couple days. I had a moment where I thought maybe I could beat this but now I don't know if I can and I want to back out of the deal I made with the doctor. What am I supposed to do?


From WM:
You are so brave, Elvira! I wish you all the best. Have patience with yourself. You're awesome!

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