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Katie's Poem

touch my heart
touch and warm that place oozing inside of me.
that place where fear resides
where everything is backwards
make it right.
what is your reason?
it's swampy. it's deserted. it's darkly lit
that place
give my words some weight
make me powerful
tell me
tell me, can I expand while I shrink?
tell me
will I still be loved if only I should expand?
If only I should shrink?
really, this has got nothing do with wanting more from the world
I only want more from myself.

this is the only poem I've ever written about my struggle to eat. I'm not much of a poet but I thought that maybe simply becuase it felt like me that it has some worth. would you like to put it on your site? You may if you'd like. feel free to put my name and email address with the poem on the page.
love, Katie

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